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Poached egg with green beans recipe

Table of contents:


4 eggs
50 g green beans
2 carrots
1 eggplant
1 zucchini
1 red onion
½ red pepper
4 asparagus
1 chilli
1 lime
5 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons vinegar
Olive oil

Whether it is difficult for you to eat vegetables and vegetables or if you want to innovate so as not to always take them the same, this recipe will become your new favorite option. Preparing it is so easy that you won't believe it. It will only take you 30 minutes and provides you with only 156 calories, making it ideal if you are looking for a light dish . Do you have a few minutes? We started!

How to do it step by step

  1. Clean, wash and julienne all the vegetables. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a deep frying pan and sauté the vegetables for 5 minutes.
  2. Wash and grate the lime peel and set it aside. Cut this fruit in two and squeeze it. Mix the juice with the soy sauce and add it to the vegetables.
  3. Bring a saucepan of water and vinegar to a boil. Delicately crack an egg in this container. Let it boil for 3 minutes, wrapping the yolk with the white as it sets. Remove with a slotted spoon and reserve. Repeat this operation with the other 3 eggs.
  4. Divide the vegetables and eggs on each plate. Chop the chilli and mix it with the oil and the lime zest. Sprinkle it on top of each plate and enjoy this very light and healthy dish.

Clara trick

A perfect poached egg

Before you put the egg, create a circular stream inside the saucepan and slide it into the center. It seems complicated but you will see that once you do the first one, the rest will be very easy.