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Recipes: egg with potatoes and paprika

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4 eggs
300 g potatoes
150 g of red pepper
1 teaspoon of sweet paprika,
1 teaspoon of hot paprika
3 bay leaves

The egg is a very nutritious and versatile food that has been in our daily diet since time immemorial. Combining its energetic power with the satiating of the potato and the antioxidant of the pepper and paprika make this recipe a three in one ideal for those days when you need a bit of extra energy.

If you are also a vegetarian, it will provide you with very high quality proteins.

How to do it step by step

  1. Boil the potatoes in salted water and 2 bay leaves for 40 min. While washing and putting the pepper in the oven, preheated to 200º, for 25 min.
  2. Remove the potatoes from the water and reserve. Take advantage of the water to cook the eggs for 5 min; stop cooking by putting the eggs in cold water. And peel carefully.
  3. Remove the skin from the pepper and potatoes. Cut the pepper into strips and the potatoes into slices. Brush a frying pan with oil, let it heat up and put the potato slices in it. Brown one minute on each side.
  4. Distribute the potatoes in a bowl, salt and pepper and sprinkle with hot paprika. Then, distribute the peppers on top and finally the eggs. Top with a touch of salt, paprika, and bay leaf for garnish.


Boiled but juicy egg …

If you want the boiled egg not to be dry, try to make it mollet style; a little more done than soft-boiled for consistency, but softer than the classic boiled egg.

The trick is to cook it exactly five minutes on the clock and quickly cut the cooking with cold water. The white will have already set, but the yolk will still be semi-liquid; cooked, but soft and juicy.

Did you know…

Yes it's correct. Eggs have a lot of cholesterol. It is estimated that a medium one, of about 65 g, provides 230 mg. However, several studies have shown that consuming eggs in moderation does not affect cholesterol levels. One of the reasons is that they contain lecithin, which helps counteract it.

It is estimated that an adult and healthy person can take almost one egg a day, but taking into account that there are also eggs in cakes, cakes and sauces that we consume. In the case of people with cardiovascular problems or hypercholesterolemia, it is advisable to reduce their intake to between 2 and 4 a week.