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Aquarius 2019 horoscope: yearly prediction

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Before the people who were born under the sign of Aquarius , a period of changes and reflections opens on how to focus your sentimental and professional life so that it goes where you want.

you will look within to know what you expect from life

This is how it will go in love

In the field of feelings, get ready to radically change the way you see your relationships and feel as you have done so far. The stars invite you to let yourself be carried away by your emotions instead of controlling and planning everything you have to feel at all times. It is time to unleash your most romantic side.

  • Focused on your own priorities. Although it will not be a negative period, the first months of the year will be marked by a certain stagnation in romantic relationships. Both you and your partner will be focused on your own priorities and you will go a little to yours. And if you are single, you will be more concerned with finding your place in the world than with finding a partner or getting engaged. However, that does not mean that it will not be a very enriching period. The influence of the loving Venus will make you open to new experiences and to explore every corner of your feelings, both alone and with someone.
  • Very demanding and selective with your feelings. After this period of introspection and recollection, you will increasingly want to open up to the world and share your emotions with your loved ones and, especially, with the person you love. But, even so, you will not be willing to open your heart to anyone, which is why you will be very demanding with your partner, or extremely selective in the event that you are looking for her right now. And if you do not consider even looking for a serious relationship, you will not be too open to giving the opportunity for second dates …
  • Period of expansion and opening to the world. Coinciding with the summer, you will be much more loose and expansive than usual, and you will have the opportunity to rekindle the flame of passion with the person with whom you share your life, or to meet super interesting people. While if you are not paired and you would like to be, don't be surprised that you end up meeting someone you will literally love and who could even be your soulmate. And it is that you will feel very receptive and ready to fall in love, so, no matter how little the necessary conditions occur, sparks will fly.
  • The time of stability. After the holidays and heading back to work, you will continue to be very sociable and your relationships, little by little, will calm down and stabilize. If you are mated, peace and harmony will reign in your heart except for a little jealousy problem that could arise around mid-autumn. However, if you speak it clearly, you will overcome it quickly and you will end the year very close. In the same way, if you were starting a love story, as the weeks go by you will strengthen your ties and it is more than likely that you will say goodbye to 2019 happily together.

In summer you could meet your soulmate

This is how it will go with family and friends

With family and friends it is a good year to make plans and joint trips. Timeshare will enrich your relationship, improve mutual trust, and that will fill you with energy to cope with your daily tasks.

Make time for your loved ones. At the beginning of the year, a person from your closest environment (perhaps a direct relative or your best friend) will be decisive, who you can lean on when you are slack and do not see things at all clear. And you will need it because, during the winter, you will have to face many personal and professional challenges that will leave you totally exhausted and not knowing what to do at times. But even if you go full, you should not forget to reserve time to be with your parents or the oldest people in the family.

  • Importance of good company. As soon as spring begins, you and your family may have something to celebrate as a result of good news that will fill your lives with joy. However, later on you will have to put all the batteries and do pineapple because a member of the family or a close friend could go through a health trance that will require all your attention. Something that, as it gets better, will make you realize how important it is to be surrounded by good family and friends. Even if you live somewhat far from yours, the family network is always activated and you are in the care of each other.
  • Your lifeline. Thanks to everything you have shared in recent times, it is very possible that your relationship with a loved one with whom there was some tension will improve. Both you and the other person in question will see each other with different eyes and, thus, you can leave behind the bad news. With the rest of the family and friends the relationship will be very fluid. Take advantage of summer and vacations to spend more time with them and do things together. In addition, when going back to work generates a lot of stress and anxiety, they will be your lifeline to see things in a diametrically opposite way, much more positive and hopeful.
  • Prepared for everything that comes. In autumn, you should be very alert because some of your friends or someone close to you will not be going through their best moment. Even if it costs you, try to take time from anywhere to be by her side and support her as she did with you, since, otherwise, you will end up feeling guilty for not having risen to the occasion.
  • Winter, for your inner circle. You will rest by the end of the year when the stabilization of all your relationships and the satisfaction from the work and effort made throughout the year will make you feel super comfortable with yourself and prepared for everything that has to come. However, despite this stability, in the last months of the year, you will want to be with your relatives and loved ones to enjoy in petit committee. And it is that the mass calls will not go with you.

Some family member or friend might need all your support

This is how your work will go

One of the constants this year is going to be change, something that stimulates you a lot beyond the practical issues (such as, for example, having a regular income). And it is that you have many possibilities of resuming some plans that had been parked, or of changing jobs, either through a new job or assuming tasks or responsibilities different from those you have been doing to date. If you don't have a job, this year the stars line up to make it easier for you. That does not mean that they will give you anything, but it does mean that you will have more options to have your value recognized in job interviews.

  • Saving obstacles. During the winter, you will have no choice but to face obstacles that will get in the way of your professional career. However, you do not have to be overwhelmed, since no matter how little you try, you will be able to save them without problem. In return, you will have to take a good look at your economy and finances, since you will be so focused on other issues that you could incur unnecessary purchases or respond to unforeseen expenses. The key, keep your accounts up to date.
  • More confident and persuasive. With the arrival of good weather, you will feel much more confident and you will be willing to fight like never before to realize your dreams or achieve the place you deserve at work. Throughout the spring, you will be very persuasive and you could use this skill to put into practice those plans that require a good investor or a lot of support to carry out. If you work in a large company, you may have to agree on several departments for a project that can be very profitable for the future of it.
  • Your recognition on the rise. Towards the middle of the year it will be very likely that you will begin to reap the fruits of your enormous effort through more income, a salary increase or perhaps a job offer. Your recognition will go up and everyone will want to count on you when putting any initiative into practice. But don't be dazzled by success, the key to your good results has a lot to do with collaborations and teamwork, so don't turn your back on them. On the other hand, success always raises blisters in some people, who can badly put you behind your back to discredit you. Anyway, the facts are worth a thousand words, so your good results will outweigh their slander.
  • The danger of going too fast. If you have not yet started that project or business that you had in mind, the final stretch of the year will be a good time to do it. Everything indicates that you will have facilities and help to start it up. However, you don't want to go too fast. The stars advise you to go step by step, making the relevant decisions at all times and without anticipating events. The key is to take charge of your plans without pause, but above all without haste, because if you do not you could take a wrong step and have to return to the starting square due to impatience and haste.

Your recognition will rise and you will reap its fruits

This is how it will go with money and finances

What you work on conscientiously has many points of ending in success.

  • The key. To undertake new projects or investments, you first have to pay off your debts and put your finances in order, something that you will achieve when you become aware of the small expenses that add up and unbalance your budget.
  • Red light. Control your accounts well and do not make superfluous expenses that, in the long run, could harm your pocket.
  • Green light. Towards the end of the year it will be a good time to start a business, but going step by step, assessing the pros and cons.

This is how your health will go

Taking into account that you are in a year of rethinking and many changes, both in your relationships and at work, do not be surprised that during some periods of 2019 you are a victim of stress and anxiety. And it is that, at times, you will feel that you can not do everything …

  • Stress due to accumulation of responsibilities. To begin with, you will start the year in very good health. But, as you accumulate obligations and responsibilities, you will begin to show the symptoms of fatigue and stress. During this stage, problems that you suffer regularly are likely to recur, such as contractures or headaches. You can also have a tendency to clench your teeth when sleeping, that is, you can suffer from bruxism. Don't neglect a visit to the dentist to put a stop to it. And, of course, find a way to relax with the strategies that work for you, from sports, massages, music, cooking, etc.
  • Taking care of yourself is part of your job too. Take advantage of the arrival of good weather to practice sports outdoors. Not only will it be good for you to get in shape, but it will also fill you with vitamins, energy and good vibes to channel your thoughts and emotions in a positive way. And it is that as the holidays approach and due to the accumulation of work, the stress levels will increase. Become aware of it and check not only your habits but your diet. Before the holidays you could suffer a great fatigue as a result of anemia. If you don't take care of yourself, sooner or later it will take its toll.
  • Avoid static postures. In addition, at specific times of the year, you will have to deal with some possible problems with circulation in general or heaviness in the legs, especially in hot weather. To counteract them, apart from doing sports on a regular basis, you should avoid overly static postures both at home and at work. Try to drink enough and wear suitable footwear. As is always said, prevention is better than cure. And if you already suffer from varicose veins, this summer it is more important than ever that you take care of yourself.
  • Sleeping and regularity problems. Don't let your guard down as soon as fall arrives because the end of the holidays can be accompanied by a second wave of stress that could translate into sleep problems. Even if it is not work that is keeping you up, it could be that the problems of a person very close to you are the ones that wake you up in the middle of the night or make it difficult to close your eyes. Try not to fall into a spiral of nerves, bad eating and bad sleep, because sleep problems can be added to a lack of regularity that can lead to many discomforts. Anyway, Aquarius is not a sign that usually lets problems rage. As soon as you see the problem, you will look for the solution and if resuming good habits is not enough, you will seek timely help.

Check here the annual horoscope prediction 2019 for all signs.

Photos: Separates, Moonlight, Broadway Tangles, Sexykiller