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Find out how to save money every month, fast and effortless

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Yes, it happened to me like you. I lived overwhelmed thinking about my checking account and giving myself zero whims to make ends meet. But I started trying other ways to save money, and my life has completely changed! Not only is my domestic economy healthier, but I have also been able to count on a little extra money each month to get rid of the shopping craving . Do you want to get it like me? Well, take a pen and paper, and take aim!

Yes, it happened to me like you. I lived overwhelmed thinking about my checking account and giving myself zero whims to make ends meet. But I started trying other ways to save money, and my life has completely changed! Not only is my domestic economy healthier, but I have also been able to count on a little extra money each month to get rid of the shopping craving . Do you want to get it like me? Well, take a pen and paper, and take aim!

Define your goal to save

Define your goal to save

I realized that my motivation to save was too weak, and on top of that it generated a bad feeling when I remembered it: "I must save just in case …". First of all, the "must" implies obligation, and in my case there is nothing that works worse to demotivate me. Also, the "just in case" was not strong enough and did not prompt me to action. The day I wrote down my goal, my life changed: "I want to save to go to Egypt because it is the dream of my life." You can already imagine how it ended, right? Well, mark yours, now for him!

Plan a monthly budget

Plan a monthly budget

My lack of organization made me overlook some unnecessary expenses that, added, put a hole in my pocket. And to start saving, it is vital to be clear about what money you have and what you spend it on. So I remembered my grandmother, and how she did it with a notebook to save and balance the accounts. You calculate the income you have each month, subtract the fixed expenses, make an average of the variable fixed expenses (mobile, water, electricity …) and voilà! You already have your budget ready. Of course, the details count: If you want your accounting experience to improve dramatically, grab a cute notebook or budget planner.

Amazon Finance Planner, $ 12.99

Save with an App!

Save with an App!

If there are mobile applications for EVERYTHING, how can there not be one to save? Fintonic is one of the best known. The good thing about these 'financial optimizers' is that they allow you to control all your accounts and transactions in one place. You can categorize your expenses to see where you have invested the most money this month, it alerts you of duplicate charges and you can even set a monthly spending limit. My preferred option? It alerts me when the insurance collection date is approaching and works as a price comparator.

Save with 50 cents a day

Save with 50 cents a day

As you hear it. Something as simple as putting 50 cents in the piggy bank each week has allowed me to save nearly 600 euros in a year! It is true that there are weeks in which it has been more difficult because my spending skyrocketed, or because I had no cash . But I am left with the habit that I have established in my day to day life, and of course in the not inconsiderable 'money' that I have managed to collect in a year. Perfect for a treat! It will help you to have a piggy bank that is in line with your motivations. In my case, this cute one has come in handy for my travel plans.

Mr. Wonderful piggy bank, € 9.95

Purse in order, money in order!

Purse in order, money in order!

It happens to me like with the closet, when I have it tidy I enjoy my clothes much more. The number of times that I have gone to the ATM for not having found a bill that I thought I had in my purse … And it would appear shortly. Now I allocate a fixed compartment to tickets and receipts, and I keep them separate from money and cards. It also works for me to place the debit card more by hand (the one I use the most) and have it next to the DNI. Then the credit, the supermarket, the shared account … And if you want an extra motivation, start with an ideal purse.

Desigual wallet at Asos, € 55.95

Enemies of saving

Enemies of saving

I am a big fan of contactless technology because I find it extremely comfortable. But since a friend told me how they robbed her at a concert without even taking her wallet, I try to be more cautious. And it is that the so-called 'Pickpockets 2.0' carry a reader that obtains the configuration of the card, they point to your wallet and fire! They have already stolen € 20 without you realizing it. That's why I got an RFID Blocker that I carry in my wallet like just another card, and since then I feel much more secure.

Asos protection card, € 9.90

Save with an organizer

Save with an organizer

Without a doubt, the star measure for me has been planning everything I am going to eat during the week. First I go through the pantry and the refrigerator, and based on what I see I think of ideas for dishes to take advantage of it. The rest of the foods that I am missing, I write them down on the shopping list and that's it! For this, our weekly menu, shopping list and weekly planner templates will come in handy. Or you can also this.

Mr. Wonderful Weekly Organizer, € 14.95

San 'Batch Cooking'

San 'Batch Cooking'

If you do not yet know this method, you have to try it. It has not only helped me save time, but also money by making better use of all food. The 'Batch Cooking' is based on cooking everything you are going to eat during the week in advance and keeping it in the fridge or freezer. I assure you that you will get rid of more than one headache for not knowing what to do for the tupperware , and you will eat healthier. Has it all!

Book "Being Biotiful", from Amazon, € 18.89

Freeze your money!

Freeze your money!

If the 'Batch Cooking' thing has seduced you, I recommend that you get hold of containers suitable for storing dishes in the fridge or freezer. In my case, in order not to have a thousand tuppers around the house, I have opted for other options such as glass jars, airtight jars or bags with zip closure. The good thing is that now they already sell super practical containers designed for this method, and what will also save you is a lot of space!

Amazon Food Containers, € 15.99

Clara Magazine net bag

Clara Magazine net bag

When I read that we spend an average of 248 bags per year per year, my soul fell to the ground. First, because in Spain we consume more than 10 thousand million plastic bags a year, a disaster for the planet. And second, because if for each bag we pay between 2 and 5 cents, make accounts: € 9 savings per year that are not bad at all. Since I always carry a shopping bag I feel more at peace with myself. (And stylish!) I'm using the net bag that Clara Magazine gives away with its June issue. I can't like it more!

Earn extra money with what you don't use

Earn extra money with what you don't use

I have it verified: the clothes that I have not worn for a year only take up space in my closet. And in my pocket! For this reason, when I make the change of seasonal clothes, I separate the one that meets this requirement and I take photos garment by garment. Then I upload them to an App that sells second-hand clothes, and I always get a little 'extra money'. I have several on my mobile, but the ones I use the most are Chicfy and Vinted.

My latest downfall: dress rental!


My latest downfall: dress rental!

Before, I would shake every time I was invited to a wedding. Just thinking about the fortune I had to shell out between the outfit, the gift for the bride and groom … Until a friend suggested that I rent the dress instead of it. How had it not fallen before? In addition, there are brands that are dedicated to it, such as La Más Mona, and that also allow you to rent your own dresses. Since I discovered this system, zero suffering! when I have an event.

If my experience in this process of saving money has shown me something, it is that there is no magic formula that works the same for everyone. What is basic is the organization, and that you have very clear and identified the inputs and outputs of money . And above all, do not use money as emotional compensation , as advised by psychologist Rafa Santandreu. In case you need more ideas, here are more tricks to make saving your way of life.

15 tricks to save money

  • Stick to your budget. If you still can't make ends meet, tighten it up a bit more.
  • Check your bank statements. Many charge commissions automatically but they will pay you if you claim.
  • Prioritize cash payment. The cards prevent us from physically seeing how much what we pay costs.
  • Be careful with impulse buying. It usually occurs more in clothes and accessories.
  • Carpool to go to work.
  • When shopping, opt for seasonal products. They are cheaper (and healthier).
  • Cook with the lid on. The boiling point is reached earlier, thereby saving energy. In addition, aromas and flavors are more concentrated.
  • Washing machine and dishwasher, better filled to start them. And if you avoid the dryer you will use less energy.
  • Use energy saving light bulbs.
  • Forget about stand-by in appliances. They account for between 5% and 16% of the energy consumption of a home.
  • Turn off the computer if you are going to be without using it for a while.
  • Keep the air conditioning at 25º C. And in winter, don't turn up the heating more than 20º C.
  • Iron when you have a large quantity of clothes. Much of the energy consumption of an iron is produced by heating the appliance.
  • Keep the refrigerator between 3º C and 5º C and the freezer at –18º C. At this temperature the food is kept in good condition and with each degree that we lower the electricity consumption increases by 5%.
  • Take advantage of the microwave. Using it instead of the conventional oven not only saves you between 60 and 70% of energy.

Cover photo by Icons8 team via Unsplash