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Pea and vegetable omelette burgers

Table of contents:


5 eggs
50 g of shelled peas
1 green pepper
½ red pepper
1 carrot
1 sprig of parsley
1 clove garlic
6 hamburger buns
1 tomato
Some mixed salad leaves
Olive oil

The typical country tortilla of a lifetime –based on peas and vegetables like the one in this recipe– is an ideal dish to incorporate more legumes into the diet. Yes, yes, peas, in addition to vegetables, are also legumes, and they have all the properties of these: they fill up, provide fiber, reduce cholesterol …

Because of its balance between proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals, legumes are considered one of the best foods that exist and it is recommended to eat them at least three times a week.

So there is no excuse not to try this recipe and less when it has a presentation as suggestive as this, in the form of hamburgers, which helps make the dish, in addition to being healthy, delicious and highly suggestive.

How to do it step by step

  1. The preambles. On the one hand, cook the peas for about 5 minutes or so in salty water and drain them. And on the other, clean the peppers by removing the stem, the seeds and the filaments inside; scrape the carrot; wash both and cut them into small cubes. And finally, peel and mince the garlic.
  2. Sauté the vegetables. First, sauté the pepper and carrot for about 4 minutes in 2 tablespoons of oil. Then add the garlic and sauté it for about 2 minutes. And finally, add the peas, salt and pepper and sprinkle with the washed and chopped parsley.
  3. Make the tortillas and assemble the plate. First of all, beat the eggs and salt and pepper. Then, add the vegetables and curdle 6 tortillas in a pan greased with a little oil. To assemble the dish, place on each half of the bread roll a few slices of washed and seasoned tomato, on top the omelette of peas and vegetables, some mixed salad leaves and dressed on top, and cover with the other half of the roll.

Clara trick

Other versions

We have dispensed with the ham and chorizo ​​from the typical paisana omelette recipe because, with the egg and the peas, it already has enough protein, and of the highest quality.

But if you prefer it like the usual ones –and you are not a vegetarian–, you can add a few small taquitos when you are making the sauce in step 2.