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Gymnastics and treatments to rejuvenate the neck

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Would you like to have a swan neck? If you want to get rid of double chin, neck "rolls" or wrinkles, there are two very effective solutions: facial gymnastics and, in the event that the problem is very evident, medical-aesthetic treatments, with natural results and quick recovery. You can say goodbye to double chin without having to go under the knife, really!

Facial gymnastics to stop double chin

These 5 exercises help combat double chin. If they are done daily (it does not take more than 15 minutes), the results are noticeable after 2 or 3 weeks.

  1. Rest your elbow on the table and place your fist under your chin. Open your mouth by pressing down, while pushing up with your fist. Hold 10 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  2. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth very hard with your mouth open. Count to 10 and relax the gesture. You have to notice how the whole neck tightens. Repeat this gesture 15 times.
  3. Tilt your head back and raise your lower lip as far as you can until you feel the stretch at your jaw line. Hold 10 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  4. Put your hands at the base of your neck and push down while tilting your head back as far as you can, using a counteracting force. Hold 10 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  5. Pretend to chew a bulky gum, exaggerating the gesture and slowly, for a minute.

Professional treatments to "stretch" the neck

  • Lipolytic infiltrations. These consist of injecting substances that help to burn fat and are firming under the skin . Combined with radiofrequency (deep heating of the skin), they tighten the skin below the chin and neck.
  • Ultherapy ultrasounds. They heat the deep layers of the skin to lift and tighten it in a single session. Of course, the final effect is observed at 3 months, which is when the collagen and elastin of the skin are produced again, those responsible for the skin being smooth.
  • CoolSculpting®. Eliminate fat by applying cold (cryolipolysis) to the area. It does not require needles, anesthesia or rest.
  • The lipolaser. It is also known as laser liposuction and works very well on young skin. Eliminates fat and encourages the skin to retract on the jaw.
  • Tensioning wires. This technique works very well for moderate sagging. Counteracts sagging of the skin, which blurs the angle formed by the jaw and neck. With a small prick and through needles that guide the threads, these are placed in the area to be treated. The threads are very fine (the kind used in surgery) and are reabsorbed after 6 months.