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Snacks to speed up your metabolism

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Can't lose weight? Have you tried all the diets and they haven't worked for you? If you complain that your metabolism does not allow you to lose weight, take a look at these snacks and incorporate them into your menus as soon as possible, because they contain ingredients designed to burn more fat and will kick start your metabolism in record time. And on top of that they are delicious … Are you going to miss them?

Can't lose weight? Have you tried all the diets and they haven't worked for you? If you complain that your metabolism does not allow you to lose weight, take a look at these snacks and incorporate them into your menus as soon as possible, because they contain ingredients designed to burn more fat and will kick start your metabolism in record time. And on top of that they are delicious … Are you going to miss them?

These snacks speed up the metabolism

These snacks speed up the metabolism

Raise your hand if you have not started following a diet! If you see that it is not working, you probably do not know our diet to lose weight without suffering or perhaps you should add these foods to your day to day to burn more fat . Shall we start?



Combining a food rich in omega 3 such as tuna with whole wheat bread (the real one, not the one with added bran) improves metabolism. Omega-3s reduce resistance to leptin, the hormone that facilitates weight loss by suppressing appetite and regulating the rate at which fat is burned. And a bread rich in fiber forces you to chew and increases energy expenditure. Did you fancy a vegetable tuna sandwich?

Mussels in vermouth

Mussels in vermouth

If you are going to eat late and stop to make the vermouth, choose mussels. It is a food very rich in chromium, a mineral that protects muscle mass, which is what makes the body burn calories even at rest. Oysters and prawns are also rich in chromium. Have you tried the mussels with basil and mint?



Nuts are foods rich in omega 3, like oily fish, and they give a boost to the metabolism. Discover here all the benefits of nuts. And if you want to make the most of them, don't miss our tricks and recipes.



A chocolate with more than 70% cocoa is rich in magnesium, a mineral that stimulates the production of adiponectin, a fat-burning hormone. If you are hooked on chocolate, these recipes will make you happy.

Cocoa mousse

Cocoa mousse

Fill a yogurt glass with a mixture of mashed avocado pulp with very ripe banana to give it a sweet spot, and defatted cocoa powder. Cocoa stimulates fat burning, while avocado fat, rich in omega 3, improves metabolism.

Sweet potato chips

Sweet potato chips

Sweet potato is a good choice to aid metabolism, because it combines fiber and carotenoids. To make them healthy and light, slice the sweet potatoes as thinly as possible. Bake them without oil for 20 minutes at 200º. And while you're here, take a look at these sweet potato recipes, they are delicious!

Cottage cheese and more

Cottage cheese and more

Cottage cheese –very rich in protein and low in fat–, along with a handful of walnuts –rich in omega 3– and dressed with cinnamon –a spice with fat burning power–, is a fantastic thermogenic and fat-burning snack. Of course, do not exceed 20 grams of walnuts once peeled because they are very caloric. Discover other fat burning spices in addition to cinnamon.

Turkey rolls

Turkey rolls

Turkey is rich in protein and low in fat, ideal because the assimilation of proteins requires an energy expenditure higher than that required by fats and hydrates. Roll strips of turkey in rice paper with carrot sticks, cucumber and baby spinach leaves and you have a fat burning snack. Of course, buy 100% natural cooked turkey, without sugars or starches.

Curry popcorn

Curry popcorn

Popcorn has about 15g of fiber per 100g, and high-fiber foods are filling and help burn calories. Curry raises body temperature and increases metabolism. Put a spoon of oil, corn and curry in a saucepan until they open.

The porridge has power

The porridge has power

At night, put oatmeal flakes - it is rich in fiber and protein - and a tablespoon of chia seeds - they combine high levels of fiber, protein and omega 3 - to marinate in yogurt. In the morning add blueberries –as they will help eliminate fat from the abdomen–, and ready to enjoy a delicious snack. Here we explain step by step how to prepare a good oatmeal porridge.

A sandwich with crumbs …

A sandwich with crumbs …

Cut a slice of rye bread in half, spread it with mustard, add arugula and sliced ​​egg. It is a winning combination because bread and arugula provide a lot of fiber; mustard is spicy and accelerates the burning of calories; and the egg contains proteins of high biological value. Our body uses a lot of energy to assimilate it.

Anything else?

Anything else?

Well yes, if you want to lose weight in record time, take a look at these 32 foods you must eat. Because to lose weight you don't have to starve!

How to speed up the metabolism?

Do you want to lose weight? Take our test and discover which is the ideal weight loss diet for you. And if you see that none of the diets are working and you complain that your metabolism does not allow you to lose weight, take a look at the snacks that will activate the metabolism in record time. Why? By using ingredients specially designed to burn more fat, they will jump-start your metabolism instantly. And the best of all? That they are delicious!

Snacks that will help you speed up your metabolism

  1. Mini tuna sandwich
  2. Mussels at vermouth time
  3. Nuts
  4. Chocolate (with more than 70%)
  5. Sweet potato chips
  6. Cocoa mousse
  7. Cottage cheese and more
  8. Turkey rolls
  9. Curry popcorn
  10. Oat porridge
  11. Arugula and egg sandwich