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This is the # 1 mistake we all make when cleaning

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We had already learned that one of the most common cleaning mistakes (and that experts want us to stop making) is using the same products and cloths for everything, as well as forgetting to disinfect or never clean cleaning utensils. But this mistake had overlooked us …

The dangers of cleaning in a hurry

According to the latest research on cleanliness and order, the number 1 mistake we all make when cleaning (and one that can spoil all our efforts) is this: not letting products work long enough to work. an effective form. Come on, despite being there, give him that I hit you cleaning, it's as if we had not done anything because of this basic oversight.

  • Do you read the labels carefully? The truth is that when they tell you, it has all its logic. But how many people read the label of products to know how long they have to remain applied to perform their function? Surely some perfectionist, Monica from Friends , will say that of course she reads them and follows the instructions religiously. But I admit that I hardly ever look at them, and I always shoot miles to buy time.
  • Do you respect the contact times? It is precisely the rush that is often the source of this error. To avoid wasting time, most of us wipe at full speed, apply the product and, quickly, we are already wiping again to remove it. In this way, we skip so richly what is called contact time, which is the amount of time that a cleaning product (an aerosol, a cream, a wax or whatever) must be in contact with a surface to be effective and kill bacteria, viruses and other germs. And consequently we only do a superficial and ineffective cleaning.
  • How can you remedy it? Well, it can't be easier. You just have to carefully read the label and the instructions for use, and follow them to the letter; and especially when it comes to disinfecting products. Keep in mind that, in addition, many cleaning products can be quite toxic, so if we have no choice but to use them for one reason or another, it is better to do it properly to clean well (and not take risks either).