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We are outraged with the comment that trendy taste has received in networks

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We are going to say it very clearly: we are tired of finding comments like the one Natalia Cabezas, better known as Trendy Taste, has received on social networks. How long are we going to have to keep reading similar things? The influencer has published one of her latest looks and among the many messages praising her style and good taste, we have come across one, oh surprise, attacking her physique! And as always, it does not fail, it comes from a woman. Are we really like this yet?

The hurtful comment that Trendy Taste has received that has us outraged

The pattern always seems the same and the truth is that we are a little tired of having to report this type of situation without anything changing. But we are still determined to banish hate from the networks and that is why we continue to publish posts like this one. Influencer / celebrity publishes a photo, receives a vast majority of positive comments and a few negative, hurtful, ugly and hateful … and usually focused on criticizing the physical appearance , and of course, it gets mixed up. Sometimes because the person in question answers sharply and other times because her followers (the real ones) take up arms against the hater on duty.

The victim in this case has been Trendy Taste, Natalia Cabezas, and although there has been only one person who has used his, it should be, little valuable time, in dedicating an unpleasant comment, it has made our blood boil . Her literal words have been: "You are a bit more jamonita." So, without more, and she has gone on with her life as if nothing else.

You may think that the protagonist of the photo has gained some weight, there you and your perception of reality, but what leads you to leave something like that in writing on someone's profile? We are not really aware of the damage we can do with a few seconds spent writing something that DOES NOT ADD ANYTHING. At least not anything positive.

Are we aware of the number of girls who can read it, apart from the main one involved, and feel really bad about their bodies? With all the problems that this can lead to in the long term, of course: anorexia, bulimia, low self-esteem and a long etcetera, since the perception of oneself can lead to many other problems.

In short, we are very outraged that among us, who should support each other and understand the pressure we suffer to have a perfect body , we continue to dedicate this type of comments. As they say, if what you are going to say is not prettier than silence, you better keep quiet.