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Thinking of putting hyaluronic acid on your lips? read this

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Would you like to have fuller and fuller lips? Yes, you can use makeup tricks, but if you want a real transformation that lasts a long time, the solution is infiltrations with hyaluronic acid. The advantage of hyaluronic acid is that it is a component that exists naturally in our body, so when using it in infiltrations - whether to fill in wrinkles or give more volume to the lips - there are no contraindications.

The hyaluronic acid in the lips is biocompatible and resorbs over time. That is to say, after a few months - it depends on the person, the results can last between 6 and 18 months - the lips would return to the same as at the beginning and, if desired, the treatment could be repeated.

Hyaluronic acid for plump lips

Having fleshy and juicy lips - without going overboard! - is synonymous with youth. Hence, many women who have seen their lips become thinner over time, have decided to resort to micro injections of hyaluronic acid. But it also has a seductive effect, which is why there are many thirty-something women who do not hesitate to touch them up with a few pricks. The key is to put yourself in the hands of expert aesthetic doctors to achieve, after a personalized diagnosis, a harmonious volume, in accordance with the facial features. The good thing about this treatment is that it does not limit the mobility or expressiveness of the lips themselves.

Very subtle change

There are women in whom the change is very flattering and barely perceptible, because sometimes more volume is not sought, but simply to retouch the shape - correct small irregularities - or define only the contour of the lips. This highlights its relief and the lips stand out on the face in a sexy and attractive, but natural way. Hyaluronic acid is also very effective in filling in the fine lines that form on the lips in some cases, the famous "barcode".

One or several sessions?

In general, only a 30-45 minute session with hyaluronic acid is necessary on the lips, although in some cases, small touch-ups are needed after a month to obtain the desired results. Before starting, the area is anesthetized so that there is no discomfort during injections . After treatment, some swelling may appear, but it subsides after a couple of days, at most. The price will depend on the center where the treatment is done and, although it can exceed € 400, it is normal for it to range between € 300-350.