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Are you stressed? you might be lacking magnesium

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Among the many disorders that a lack of magnesium can cause, is stress and other nervous ailments. And the people who usually suffer from this lack are those who follow excessively strict or very unbalanced diets, such as very low-calorie or high-protein, for example. But also athletes who do not control their diet correctly, as well as people with digestive problems, poor absorption or who have diabetes.

Magnesium deficiency disorders

Magnesium promotes multiple enzymatic reactions related to the proper functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, and as Tatiana Medina, nutritionist at Ruber Internacional Paseo de La Habana points out, its deficit can produce a great variety of metabolic and psychiatric disorders such as stress, but also headaches, behavior disorders, asthenia, insomnia or depression .

  • The best way to prevent any deficiency of this mineral is to follow a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Hence, the recommendation of the nutritionist is to increase the consumption of plant-based foods and include fruits and vegetables, legumes, natural nuts, whole grains and seeds.
  • Regarding magnesium supplements, the nutritionist maintains that they can be useful to combat stress if it is due to a deficiency of this mineral, but if the stress is caused by some other factor, the supplements will not help.

Twitching of your eyelid can be a sign of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium foods

Women should take 400 to 450 mg a day. Here are some of its main sources:

  • pumpkin seeds - cocoa - sunflower seeds - sesame - wheat germ - soy - quinoa - millet - brown rice - oat flakes - peanuts - white beans - chickpeas - lentils - spinach - almonds - corn

Find out more about foods with more magnesium so you can incorporate them into your diet.