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Naked horoscopes: this is Sagittarius in love

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1. Very direct

1. Very direct

It is a matter of his element, fire. Sagittarius doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to love. When he wants something, he goes for it.

2. Impulsive

2. Impulsive

In the same way that he is very direct, Sagittarius is also very impulsive. It is another of the characteristics that fire gives it, apart from making it very passionate (something that all the signs of this element have in common).

3. Without complexes

3. Without complexes

His planet, Jupiter, makes him free and unapologetic. Sagittarius is not one to put up barriers. In matters of love, she does not have manias for questions of age, status, orientation … If someone likes her, she likes it, period.

4. Carefree

4. Carefree

Also, as a couple he is very independent and carefree. Sagittarius is not usually jealous or does not tolerate being jealous with him too well.

5. Without too much tact

5. Without too much tact

Abruptness is one of Sagittarius' flaws. Diplomacy and tact are not his strengths even in the field of love. The good part is that you do not do it with any bad intention. Just act and speak without thinking about the consequences.

6. And excessively sincere

6. And excessively sincere

Something that is associated with his lack of tact. If Sagittarius thinks one thing, it will just let you go, without softening it or making up, straight to the point and without anesthesia …

7. Delivered lovers

7. Delivered lovers

But more fiery than tender and romantic. It is the result of combining his fire with his lack of tact. On the one hand, Sagittarius is a very dedicated lover. But on the other, it can be unloving.

8. Adventurers

8. Adventurers

Another consequence of being born under the influence of Jupiter makes Sagittarius very adventurous, including in the field of feelings. So banish the routine, if you don't want him to run away.

Photo: Gael García Bernal in A lonely planet.

9. Very conquering

9. Very conquering

Although it often goes more unnoticed than other signs, Sagittarius is one of those who ends up taking the cat overboard. While others try to show off, he kills them by keeping quiet and, in the end, conquers everyone.

Photo: Brad Pitt in Do you know Joe Black?

10. And many more secrets

10. And many more secrets

Find out everything about Sagittarius!

If you have set your eye or have fallen into the networks of a person born under the sign of Sagittarius, get ready for an adventure that is at least exciting.

Passionate and independent

First of all, you should keep in mind that Sagittarius is one of the three signs of the Fire element. Reason for which he is usually quite passionate (unless he has a lot of presence of Air signs in his astral chart or in his ascendant). And not too romantic or affectionate (qualities more typical of the signs of Earth and Water).

His element, fire, and his planet, Jupiter, make him fiery and direct

And secondly, you must never lose sight of its essential spirit. Due to the influence of Jupiter, its ruling planet, Sagittarius is a free and adventurous being who does not like ties or stagnation or routine.

Direct and impulsive

With this in mind, it is forbidden to try to hunt down or retain a native of Sagittarius. Right off the bat , he 's allergic to commitment and suffocating ties. Besides that for a hunter, he is already there. And rest assured that if he is attracted to you, he will have no qualms about going after you.

When Sagittarius wants something, they go for it bluntly

Direct and impulsive, when Sagittarius wants something, they don't waste time in reflections, they just go looking for it. But, yes, do not expect great gallantry or pampering in the field of seduction. His is to go face and fall in love with his sympathy and good humor.

And very conquering

Although he can often be brusque and tactless due to his extreme sincerity, Sagittarius is so honest and has so much heart that it is quite difficult to resist his charms. Which is why even though it may not be the most desired entry into the dance, it will surely be the one that ends up adding the most conquests at the end of the night …