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Naked horoscopes: this is the Virgo mother

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Delivered, detailed and very meticulous, the Virgo mother can seem somewhat cold because it is difficult for her to express her feelings just like that. But that does not mean that she is unloving, far from it. She just proves it in another way: giving her all to be the perfect mother.

And it is that people born under the sign of Virgo are characterized by being very perfectionists, methodical and hardworking, but also a bit insecure and obsessive with the need to have everything under control.

A dedicated and ultra responsible mother

Very responsible (and somewhat paranoid), the Virgo mother protects her children from any real or imagined danger that may arise. And he is always aware of giving them a healthy and balanced diet, that they practice sports and be in contact with nature, that they study and educate themselves, that they be organized and educated …

Yes, sometimes it can be a somewhat suffocating mother with so much demand and eagerness to teach. But it is that, above all, she is very demanding of herself and is convinced that all these duties are mandatory for the good and future of her children.

The good part is that it is largely true. All those lessons that are so hard to learn become a real treasure when children reach adulthood. The bad news, that they fall into stress too young …

  • His strengths: dedication and total dedication. The Virgo mother makes sure that her offspring do not lack for anything, not even ant milk if necessary.
  • Its weak points: stiffness and a touch of coldness. Since you have a hard time opening up completely, you are likely to keep some distance from your children.

And how to relate to it?

First of all, be willing to let yourself be taught. It is your Achilles heel. The rest of the world do what they want, but their children have to try to be the best.

Second, don't get overwhelmed with their demands. Be fully aware that you cannot be perfect and that you will not do everything. Almost always, he asks for the asking. With the hope that in some area you will achieve the excellence you dream of.

And finally, don't be fooled by its apparent secrecy. She is looking forward to hugging and being hugged. Only you better not do it in an abrupt and theatrical way. In the field of displays of affection, they throw at least is more (but without eliminating them entirely).

And if you want to know what other mothers are like according to their sign, don't miss the Mother's Day horoscope.

Photo: Back. Carmen Maura and Penelope Cruz.