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Naked horoscope: this is the Sagittarius mother

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Affectionate, friendly, permissive, the Sagittarius mother is usually very relaxed and not at all strict. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of fortune, idealism and optimism, she is not a lover of rules, norms and rigidity (neither for her nor for her offspring).

All this makes her a lovable and non-obsessive mother who leaves a lot of freedom for her children … But who finds it difficult to impose herself, since she rarely carries out her threats.

A cheerful and tolerant mother

On the one hand, she is a very active mother, always ready to take her little ones from here to there and encourage them to do and try everything. But on the other hand, she can be a somewhat disorganized mother for whom order, schedules and obligations are a real nightmare. What can throw off your children if they are obsessive about the organization.

And extremely sincere. Quality that can be positive or negative depending on the point of view. On the good side of the coin, your children will find an honest mother who never cheats and says things directly and bluntly. In the bad, a brusque mother who blurts out everything that goes through her head without weighing the consequences of her words.

  • His strengths: joy, motivation, sincerity. She is a motivating mother and not at all castrating, she never cheats.
  • His weak points: clutter and lack of tact. It does not usually detect when it is convenient to speak and when it is not. He can accidentally hurt you for lack of diplomacy.

And how to relate to it?

If you are very sensitive or obsessive, the essential key to dealing with a Sagittarius mother is to put on a waterproof mental suit so that her incorrigible messes, her crazy occurrences and her crude truths slip you off and do not affect you.

If you succeed, you will discover behind his imperfections the most understanding, generous and dedicated mother of the zodiac. Only, sometimes, she is masked by his eccentricities …

And if you want to know what other mothers are like according to their sign, don't miss the Mother's Day horoscope.

Photo: Desperate Housewives. Felicity Huffman.