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Naked horoscopes: this is the scorpion mother

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Complex, reserved and enigmatic, the Scorpion mother is not one of those who makes herself known to the first change. The reason? Pluto, your ruling planet, which is ruled by the god of the underworld …

For this reason, although it can often seem sweet and charming, don't get carried away by the first impression. Inside, there is constantly boiling water that she struggles not to spill uncontrollably.

Only her penetrating gaze gives her away. Always attentive. Without losing a detail of everything that happens to have everything under control and know what to do at all times.

A motivating mother,

With a panorama like this, the Scorpio mother is usually a mother of arms to take. On the one hand, she is very strict, demanding and dominant. Always striving to make her children strong, self-confident and complete people.

And on the other, very motivating and determined to develop their talent and all their potential. Always ready to support them in everything they need to achieve their dreams.

Spiritual and great connoisseur of the human soul, in addition, she is a great advisor when the winds of life blow against. And it is that her ability to be reborn from her own ashes makes her the most suitable to know how to overcome any crisis.

  • Your strengths: strength, loyalty, and motivation. You can become a true coach for your own children.
  • His weak points: possessiveness, intransigence and gratuitous sincerity. If he doesn't like something, he will blurt out what he thinks, be relentless and nip it in the bud without hesitation.

And how to relate to it?

First of all, don't try to hide your problems from him. The Scorpion mother finds out everything, if she doesn't already know … Few secrets escape her attentive gaze and her powers of observation. So the best thing is to go face to face with her.

And then take advantage of your ability to analyze everything down to the smallest detail and focus on situations with perspective. It can be harsh and excessively crude, but you can be sure that his opinion will be honest and sincere, and far from all artificiality.

And if you want to know what other mothers are like according to their sign, don't miss the Mother's Day horoscope.

Photo: Erin Brockovich. Julia Roberts.