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Mistakes you make when cleaning the house: avoid them!

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You don't have to be Marie Kondo to keep your house clean and tidy. Of course, if you want to clean thoroughly because your house looks like chaos and you don't want to make any mistakes, discover the mistakes that we all make (and without knowing it). We do them without realizing it, but it turns out that it is very easy to correct them if we know how!

You don't have to be Marie Kondo to keep your house clean and tidy. Of course, if you want to clean thoroughly because your house looks like chaos and you don't want to make any mistakes, discover the mistakes that we all make (and without knowing it). We do them without realizing it, but it turns out that it is very easy to correct them if we know how!

What do you not feel like cleaning? We understand you very well, seriously. We know you have better things to do than spend your day cleaning, but seriously, you only need an hour to clean your house WELL. Of course, to achieve this, you have to stop making some of the most common mistakes that make your house not 100% clean. Shall we start?

When cleaning the dust

  • Don't start at the bottom. If you clean the tables and low furniture first, when you clean the high ones you will stain them again. Also, ventilate before cleaning. If you do it later, the dust will settle back on the furniture.
  • Don't use just any rag. As with the duster, you will only move the dust from one place to another. Use microfiber cloths.
  • Don't forget the fan. Not the air conditioner. They accumulate dust and when they start, they spread it through the air.

Spotless windows

  • Cleaner, not first. If the windows are dirty and dusty and you apply the glass cleaner directly, all you will create is a kind of mud. Wipe them first.
  • Do not clean the windows in the sun. If the sun hits them directly, the glass cleaner dries very quickly without giving time to completely remove the remains of the product, and they will not look good.
  • Don't use newspaper. Ink can transfer to glasses and paper can scratch them.

TV screen

  • Do not use glass cleaner. Both this and other more aggressive products can damage the device. It is best to dry clean the powder. If it's not enough, you can use a special screen spray applied to the cloth, not directly to the TV.
  • Don't use kitchen paper. Although it may not seem like it, it can be aggressive and damage the screen. Better a soft microfiber cloth.

Gleaming floors

  • When sweeping. Do not use the broom, better use the vacuum cleaner. This ensures that all dust and dirt are removed. You also shouldn't sweep in a straight line. To really remove dirt you have to sweep in S or zigzag.
  • When scrubbing. Avoid using the wash water in the bathroom or kitchen for the rest of the house. The floor in these areas is usually very dirty and you would transfer the dirt to the rest of the rooms. And do not rub the doors or the underside of the furniture with the wet mop because the humidity will damage them.

When using cleaning products and utensils, avoid:

  • Use the same rags for everything. It's also important that you replenish and wash them frequently so they clean rather than make more mess.
  • Take advantage of multipurpose products. In the bathroom and in the kitchen, in addition to cleaning, you have to disinfect, so it is better to use specific products here. Never mix different products! It could be dangerous.
  • Apply the product directly. It could damage the surface. Instead, apply it to a cloth. Do not use too much product, it could get dirty. And don't remove it until at least 30 seconds have passed to let it act.