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Errors that we make when putting the dishwasher and that we want to stop making

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Leaving the kitchen pristine without a single plate is something that we can easily achieve thanks especially to the dishwasher, that tool that makes our lives easier and that has eliminated the odious task of washing dishes by hand from our lives. But do you know how to put it right? You will say yes because, in the end, you have been doing it for years, but you may be making one of these mistakes … Take note!

Mistakes we make when putting the dishwasher

You probably won't even realize it, but all of us, at some point, have made one of these mistakes.

  • Prewash dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Yes, we have to remove the remains of food, but it does not make sense to prewash the dishes, because we will use twice as much water. The solution? Remove the remains with a fork.
  • Be careful with placing the plates and cutlery. In general, we should place the largest pots on the inner tray (because there is more space there). Keep in mind that large items should be placed on their side for good cleaning. A trick? You will get a better wash if you insert pieces of different sizes. Do not forget to put the cutlery in its tumbler always facing down so that they are washed correctly. This is the hottest area during the wash cycle.
  • Have you run out of detergent? Do not put the dishwashing product in by hand, because it will generate a lot of foam and that will make the washing process difficult. Use specific products.
  • Do not open the dishwasher before the program ends. The cost of washing will be much higher. Also, you may burn yourself from the water. Be careful!
  • If you have hand-painted dishes, don't put them in the dishwasher. They will come out white and the paint will rub off …
  • When unloading your dishes , start with the bottom shelf because the pieces you put on the top could wet (and even stain) the bottom.
  • Don't miss out on the load capacity of the dishwasher. This way you will waste more water, soap and energy than required, fill it well but not to the brim either, of course …

These are the objects that you should NOT put in the dishwasher

  • Do not put your wooden utensils in the dishwasher. And is that the dishwasher reaches such a high temperature that it is capable of cracking the wood.
  • Be careful with aluminum and copper items, as dissolving soap and water can damage these materials.
  • Sharp knives. Why? Because they can become dull due to the high temperatures that the dishwasher reaches.
  • Poor quality tuppers. If you expose them to too high temperatures, they will warp and age sooner.
  • Be careful with delicate dishes. Dishwasher can cause material to crack, chip, or outright break.