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Invoice error: detect them to pay less

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The rising cost of basic household supplies is already a heavy enough burden on the household economy to let billing errors creep in . We seldom review invoices with the attention they deserve. We usually do it when the amount seems high, but it doesn't have to be that way for there to be an error. They may be charging you a few euros more but every month for years.

We tell you the points that tend to be the most conflictive in each case so that you can identify them to remedy them and avoid paying more.

Light and gas, what do you have to watch out for

  • Consumption. Since the entry into force of Royal Decree 1718/2012 of December 28, the billing of low voltage energy supplies with contracted power not exceeding 15 kW is bimonthly and with real readings. In 2013 consumption estimates were eliminated. Despite this, if the energy consumption reading cannot be collected, the company will leave a notice at your home indicating how you can facilitate the reading. If the reading is not carried out, the company could make an estimated consumption, based on the historical consumption made the previous year during the same period. If it is disproportionately high, an error may have occurred and they will have to compensate you in future invoices. But be careful, if it is too low the meter may be broken. Communicate it as soon as possible because you will have to deal with the arrears.
  • Discounts and penalties. If you have a type of hourly discrimination contract in the electricity bill, they have to charge you less for off-peak hours, see that this is reflected in the billing. They may also charge you penalties for consumption at peak times and for exceeding the maximum contracted power.
  • Maintenance-review of facilities. Maybe they are charging you without you being aware of it. You are not obliged to have contracted this service. If it seems expensive or you already have it covered elsewhere, you have the right to cancel it.

To know how much power you need, look at how much your most powerful appliance uses (usually those that produce heat) and add that of those of continuous use, such as the refrigerator. Talk to the company so they can do the technical adaptation. Depending on the contracted rate, if you lower a power section, you can save about € 50 per year.

Water, the most complicated

The invoice varies in each Community. It includes concepts such as the service fee, sanitation or waste treatment, but consumption is the weak point.

  • Do not pass. In this case it is more important that you control the expense because it is penalized by means of a billing system by tranches. The more water you spend, the more expensive the liter is.
  • Watch for leaks. If the amount is very high and you are not regularizing late consumption, check that there are no breakdowns. If everything is closed, the meter continues to work, you have a leak.
  • Who pays. If it is inside your house, you will have to pay. Beyond the registration key, it is the company that must be held responsible for the leak.

Phone: Your weak points

  • Duplicate calls. Check on the receipt that the same call does not appear several times in a row. Some records may double or triple.
  • Round up. For example, if your rate is € 0.125 per minute, check that they are not charging you € 0.130.
  • Ignored offers. If you have a special offer or flat rate agreed, make sure it is respected.
  • More services . Another frequent error is the appearance of costs for services that we do not have contracted or for which we have already unsubscribed.

To reduce costs, analyze your consumption: the type of calls you make, to which operators and at what times. Knowing your consumption pattern is essential to find the best formula. Also, do not get stuck and stay informed to always find the best offer for you.

5 key concepts:

  • Facturation period. Take a good look at the dates, the invoiced consumption may be overlapping with that of the previous receipt.
  • Historical. This graph indicates the consumption rates for the last year. Take it as a reference.
  • Reading. It can be real (taken by the company), provided (given by you) or estimated (from the history).
  • Rent counter. The company charges you rent. If you choose to be the owner you will have to assume the maintenance.
  • Contact number. A toll-free number must appear on every invoice to which you can direct your claims.

If you do not agree with the billing and your complaint is not addressed, submit a written claim to the marketing company providing all the evidence you have and keep a copy for yourself. If you do not receive a response, go to the Municipal Consumer Information Office of your locality or the General Directorate of Consumption.