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Make-up mistakes at 40: how to avoid them and never repeat them

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What if your makeup was hurting you instead of favoring you?

What if your makeup was hurting you instead of favoring you?

If you have thought more than once that you are not getting the most out of it, perhaps it is time to rethink whether your way of putting on makeup is appropriate. Think that the colors and ways of using the shadows, lipsticks or eyeliners should not be the same at 20 as after 40. In order not to add too many years, you must know some basic makeup rules. Discover them!

Try brown, gray, or khaki

Try brown, gray, or khaki

The black liner hardens the features - and more if the line is thick and with an eyeliner. Maybe after 40 it would be a good idea to reserve it only for special occasions, when you want a somewhat more sophisticated result. Try using a brown eyeliner, it blends in better on the face and softens the features. Apply it over the upper lashes and flush with the lower ones. And forget about painting the line on the inside, make your eyes small.

Be careful with the "tails"

Be careful with the "tails"

If you are one of those who outlines the eye only in the upper eyelid, it is good to finish slightly with the stroke upwards in the outer area of ​​the eye, because it opens the gaze. But if you also draw on the lower lashes, don't join the two lines at the outer corner. This gesture does not enlarge the eye, on the contrary it makes it visually smaller. Do you want to know how to do the perfect eye contouring?

Flee the eighties rouge

Flee the eighties rouge

Essential: if you are in your forties, discard brown or lilac blushes, like those that were worn in the 80s and 90s. And, of course, do not draw it diagonally towards the ear. Natural blush doesn't have that geometric shape. In this way, all you do is pronounce the crow's feet more, especially if the blush is matte in addition to being dark. Apply the blush to the apple of the cheeks, using a pink, peach or coral shade.

Avoid the "panda effect"

Avoid the "panda effect"

Not even the celebrities are spared! On many occasions you can see that their makeup artist had the day off and they have not been very successful when experimenting with the highlighter. We all remember the occasional memorable photocall of Jennifer Lopez or Eva Longoria wearing an unflattering "panda bear effect." If what you want is to hide dark circles or wrinkles, forget about layering and layering highlighter. The result is that the skin shines and appears whiter. Use makeup foundation and then a well-blended fluid concealer.

Do you want to shine like a light bulb?

Do you want to shine like a light bulb?

The glowy effect is fine because it gives the skin a juicy look, but if you put an illuminating primer all over your face before your foundation, the effect you will get will be very artificial. Apply it only in strategic points, such as in the center of the forehead, the nasal septum or in the middle of the chin and blending very well.

Beware of very dark tones

Beware of very dark tones

Contouring is used to enhance features by combining light and dark foundation, powder, and highlighter shades. The point is that if abused, the effect is very artificial. If you don't master the art of makeup, refrain from resorting to contouring or blending like there's no tomorrow. If not, you run the risk of going overboard with dark tones and erasing the volumes instead of defining the oval.

Always hydrate first

Always hydrate first

If you are one of those who to hide wrinkles, you apply makeup base directly without first applying moisturizer, you are making a mistake. Precisely to visually combat wrinkles, experts recommend first hydrating the skin well . This way it will look juicier and will prevent the makeup from cracking afterwards. The perfect ritual would be: moisturize, apply a primer or flash ampoule to smooth the skin, wait a couple of minutes and then apply the foundation.

Use earth tone shadows

Use earth tone shadows

It is true that very intense, brightly colored eyeshadows can cause an aging theatrical effect. But that's not why you should do without the shadows completely. The most flattering tones are those that give depth to the look in a natural way (the range of browns and earth tones) combined with beige, champaigne or light pink tones, which help to illuminate. Ideally, you should go for "creamy" textures that blend with the skin, but with a matte effect. The powder shadows can be set in the creases and further mark the wrinkles of the eyelids.

Abuses the mascara, but only on the upper lashes

Abuses the mascara, but only on the upper lashes

After 40, putting mascara on the lower lashes can create a somewhat artificial doll effect and, depending on what cases, it can even give you a spooky look. On the contrary, you can apply several layers on the upper lashes, because it has a lifting effect on the look. Do you want a good mascara that does not exceed € 20?

Give them back the juiciness

Give them back the juiciness

With age, the lips lose volume, so a touch of pink or peach gloss will make your smile gain freshness. You can also put a touch of clear gloss in the center of the upper and lower lip after applying your bar. With this simple gesture, your lips will appear more voluminous.

Enhance your smile

Enhance your smile

As you know, from the age of 40 your lips become blurred and their skin thins, so if you don't paint them, your face will look dull and lose freshness. The key is to outline them and, although nude tones are worn, instead of choosing very pale or beige tones, opt for fruity tones: pink or orange. Ah! And when the occasion requires it, don't be shy and bet on red. No other color brings such vitality to the face.

With more layers the problem is not fought

With more layers the problem is not fought

And by problem it is understood that the imperfections will not disappear because you apply a lot of product. Putting more foundation in trouble spots, such as crow's feet or around the mouth (known as marionette wrinkles), will only make the problem more apparent. The key is to blend the foundation very well and then use the concealer. When certain lines are marked a lot, you can use a lighter concealer on the folds and spread thoroughly so that the product penetrates well.

Make up your eyebrows to make them appear more crowded

Make up your eyebrows to make them appear more crowded

Maybe you plucked your eyebrows too much when they were in fashion - like these famous ones - and now you have a hard time getting them repopulated … While you improve the situation with the help of a strengthening serum (for which you have to be very consistent), you can enhance them and give them more definition with the help of a pencil, mascara or eyebrow shadow. You have a whole arsenal of makeup products to thicken your eyebrows and rejuvenate your look.

Compensate and seek harmony

Compensate and seek harmony

It is always better not to abuse the color in the upper and lower part of the face at the same time, it adds years. If you highlight your eyes a lot, opt for lips in softer colors. And conversely, if you opt for a passion red lipstick, soften your look with a nude makeup. With the balance you will be able to rejuvenate your look.

Do you want to know more tricks to rejuvenate your look?

Do you want to know more tricks to rejuvenate your look?

If you found these tips interesting, we invite you to discover more makeup tips and tricks on cuts and hairstyles to look thirty years old at 40.