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Cómo es virgo en el amor

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Mejor solo que mal acompañado

Mejor solo que mal acompañado

Virgo es uno de los signos a los que no les obsesiona estar en pareja. Es tan perfeccionista que prefiere estar solo a tener una relación de pareja que no sea del todo satisfactoria o constructiva. Así que se lo pensará muuuuucho antes de emparejarse.

Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando

Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando

Sin embargo, su convicción de que es mejor estar solo que mal acompañado no significa que Virgo tenga miedo al compromiso. De hecho, aunque puede ser un gran conquistador, prefiere una relación estable a infinitos flirteos. Solo que no se conforma con la primera persona que pasa.

Déjate examinar

Déjate examinar

Al principio puede intimidar un poco, porque parece que te repasa de la cabeza a los pies, en todos los sentidos. Pero no lo hace con mala intención. Es solo que, para sentirse seguro, necesita estudiarte detenidamente y averiguar si algo de ti no cuadra en sus esquemas…

Seriedad + ternura le pone… ¡y mucho!

Seriedad + ternura le pone… ¡y mucho!

Seriousness, because it gives you security. And tenderness, because from the outset he is somewhat harsh and distant, and the opposite attracts her. Show him that you are hard-working and responsible, but at the same time very close, sensitive and tender, and you will captivate him yes or yes.

Slow motion and dropper

Slow motion and dropper

Yes, at a snail's pace. If you go for Virgo at full throttle and uncontrollably, chances are they will run away. He is shy and reserved, so he does not take very well excessive and uncontrolled displays of affection. Care for him privately, in small increments and in small doses, and you won't scare him off.

Prepare for criticism

Prepare for criticism

You can't help it. If she doesn't like something about you, she will tell you, whether you like it or not. It's the fault of your perfectionism. It is superior to him.

If you have fallen for the charms of a person born under the sign of Virgo, prepare yourself for a roller coaster of emotions, because it can be calm, orderly and discreet, as well as obsessive, maniac and critical.

If you learn to pass from its oddities, you will discover a true love

And it is that Virgo is the sign of the search for perfection, and that sometimes makes him lose his head for any nonsense. And more in the field of love … But fear not. If you learn to cope with his little things and his persecutory manias, you will discover a true love that will only have eyes for you.

Do you want to know what are the keys to make him fall in love? You have them all in the image gallery. And if you want to know how Virgo or another sign will fare this week, check our horoscope. And don't miss the prediction for the whole year.