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Is wild salmon healthier than farmed salmon?

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Have you ever wondered if wild salmon is healthier than captive-raised salmon? Well the answer is yes, thanks to what you eat. And it is that unlike the s Almon farmed, which is fed with feed and which are given drugs if necessary, the wild feeds on other organisms found in seas and rivers, and nothing long distances.

Differences between wild and farmed salmon

  • Better nutritionally. According to Natalia Hernández, president of the Addecan and member of the General Council of Official Associations of Dietitians-Nutritionists, wild salmon is a healthier food because it is not the same to eat naturally as from processed feed. That influences its properties. Thus, in the fish farm the percentage of omega 3 fatty acids is lower, it has fewer minerals and, on the other hand, more pollutants, saturated and polyunsaturated fats and, therefore, more calories.
  • Both contain heavy metals. The wild one has more mercury, and the farmed one, on the other hand, more quantity of other metals such as arsenic. To avoid the detrimental effect of these metals, it is best to diversify the consumption of fish and not limit yourself to a single species.
  • Resistance to antibiotics. One of the concerns raised by farmed salmon is that by treating them with antibiotics they could promote resistance to them, although in the European Union the use of these antibiotics is highly controlled to be safe. This is what the scientist JM Mulet maintains, who argues that it is a myth that farmed fish is bad for health, including salmon.

Is your color natural or … coloring !?

  • Wild salmon. Its diet is very rich in crustaceans, which have astaxanthin, a substance that is what gives it its pink color.
  • Farmed salmon. When feeding on animal feed, their meat is gray. They are given coloring to make it pink, but don't worry, it's safe for health.

Salmon calorie and salt content

Now, if what you want to know is if salmon is fattening, keep in mind that it depends a lot on the way you eat it. If you want some idea, take a look at our recipes with smoked salmon, which is the least fattening but, in return, has more salt than fresh. Or you can make a marinated salmon yourself, which although it is a little fatter than the others is delicious.

  • Smoked salmon. 142 kcal / 100 g - Salt: 1.88 g
  • Fresh salmon 182 kcal / 100 g - Salt: 0.1 g
  • Marinated salmon 202 kcal / 100 g - Salt: 2.2 g