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Maria pombo's little accident that has changed her way of seeing life

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Many things can be learned from bad experiences, even when it is only a small slip. That is what has happened to the influencer María Pombo who has already returned to work after her honeymoon in Bora Bora. A fall without too many consequences has caused him to carry out a most successful reflection that he has decided to incorporate as a way of life . do you want to know what is it about?

María Pombo's reflection after a small fall

Absolutely nothing has happened to her but the small fall suffered by María Pombo while filming an advertisement for a clothing firm has made her have a new life motto: "If you fall, you get up" and hey, she is right because the reality is that. The influencer has related in stories what happened and has also left us a small video in which we can see the complete action.

Maria was riding on a skate board, trying to keep her balance so that the spot would be as good as possible when she lost her footing. The board came off one side and she ended up landing on the ground. He has been able to get up immediately as if nothing had happened and as always it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude in life and that has helped him to make this interesting reflection.