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The new toilet paper: why is this running out in supermarkets?

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We have been in confinement for almost a week now and we are all looking for pleasant activities to do at home. For example, cooking. Since I ca n't stop watching Stories on Instagram with super appetizing cakes that people bake, yesterday I wanted to make one. In the afternoon I had to go down to the supermarket to get some food and to get the ingredient that I didn't have in the pantry to make the cake: yeast. Well, I went to three supermarkets and I was exhausted. It seems that we are all in pastry mode! In the end, I found Mercadona's white label yeast in a 24-hour grocery store. Today I can make my cake.

In the supermarket I have seen that the yeast that runs out is chemistry, but the baking yeast is not. I have investigated the differences between yeasts to be clear next time

Traditional yeast

Baker's yeasts are microscopic fungi that feed on the carbohydrates contained in the doughs and in their metabolism they release gas, which is what makes the dough fluff, and other substances that improve its elasticity. When these are used, it is necessary to let the dough rest in a warm place, so that the microorganisms carry out their function, and increase its volume.

Fresh or dry baker's yeast

We can find fresh, active dry and instant dry baker's yeast. The first is the one that produces the most gas; it is a perishable product because the microorganisms are alive. In the other two, the yeasts are in a dormant state and can be kept at room temperature for quite some time. The active dry is reactivated by immersing it in hot water –37 degrees - before mixing it with the mass. As for the snapshot, it is mixed with the rest of the ingredients without the need to hydrate it previously.

Baking powder

This is the Royal type. Chemical yeasts are compounds that react by releasing the same gas as the previous ones, but unlike these, they are not living organisms and it would be more appropriate to call them propellants or baking powders. They contain an acidic and an alkaline substance –generally sodium bicarbonate– that begin to react, releasing the gas, when mixed with liquid ingredients, and also when the temperature increases during baking.

What is each yeast for?

Baker's yeast is what is used to make pastry products - King's or Swiss breadcrumbs. In pastries - biscuits, muffins or donuts - chemistry is used. In both cases they have to be evenly distributed throughout the dough.

Now that we know a little more about yeast, the product that is disappearing these days from the supermarket, do you dare to prepare a sponge cake? You can share the photo of your cake in our La Tribu CLARA Facebook group.

These are all our cake recipes, so you can choose the one that you most want to make. The first is very special, it is the secret recipe of Raquel, CLARA's fashion manager. In addition, it can be made without yeast (in case it is still exhausted …).

Delicious cupcake recipes