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The announcement of the Christmas lottery 2018 is here


When the announcement of a Christmas Lottery is launched, it means that same thing, that it is already Christmas! You may like these holidays more or less but one thing is clear, EVERYONE (or almost all) await the Christmas spot with the same expectation that we await gifts from Santa Claus.

That said, the protagonist of this 2018 ad is Juan, a rather grumpy locksmith who always gets the Fat guy. And you may think, what a pity that you win the lottery! Although a priori it may seem like very good news, when you see the ad, you will understand why Juan ends up in an even worse mood … And it is that no matter how much you win the lottery, if you do not share it and make others happy, why it serves?

The announcement of the Gordo de Navidad 2018 –which is titled 22 again - is directed by Javier Ruiz Caldera –director of Spanish Movie , Phantom Promotion or 3 more weddings - and, to be honest, it has brought us more than one laugh. Imagine a man halfway between Tio Scrooge, the Grinch and the grumpy dwarf who always goes to the same cafeteria for breakfast, to whom the same things always happen and who can no longer handle his boring life.

And tears? Don't we cry this year? Christmas ads are always characterized by being tearful to the max but we have been pleasantly surprised that this year it is not. Or at least, we haven't needed an XL box of tissues to get over the gulp.

Last year the protagonists of the Christmas Lottery advertisement were Danielle - a girl who comes to life from an advertisement and who comes to town a bit disoriented - and Daniel, a young boy who is queuing at a lottery administration . Now that you have seen the ad, which one do you prefer? Juan or Danielle and Daniel?

And if you have Christmas Lottery in mind, take a look at these tips with mistakes to avoid if you win the lottery this year. I'm sure Juan would do super well!