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Telemedicine is here to stay in times of coronavirus

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The coronavirus has changed everything . Our way of working, of leisure, of, of living, of being at home … Our day to day, even in the most everyday, has taken a turn and this has come from the hand of profound novelties that will remain installed with us forever. And many of them are very positive, since they will change our lifestyle adapting it to current demands.

In this sense, and throughout the COVID-19 crisis, we have been more aware of the importance of taking care of ourselves and others, of valuing the work of health professionals, of respecting health, of the importance of It is having good medical care and how we have to live with each other so that the environment is healthy, calm and, therefore, happier. And telemedicine , without a doubt, has contributed to improve our result.

Although it is not something new, in these times when we have experienced a serious collapse in hospitals, telemedicine has become a resource, or rather, an ally of our health. Because not all health problems require physical care, these medical platforms have given a boost to quality medical care, making it faster, more agile, avoiding collapses and waiting.

" Our youngest son is insulin-dependent diabetic and at the end of March he had a strange rash on his foot . For diabetics, foot care is very important. I didn't really know what it could be and obviously it wasn't the right time to go to the hospital . I thought it might be useful to consult a doctor through the app ", says Inmaculada Santos Bermejo, a mother from Madrid who uses the digital health platform 'I want to take care of myself More', from DKV.

DKV , which leads the telemedicine revolution in Spain and whose top priority is taking care of people, is precisely one of the companies that has been most committed to the development of telemedicine at this time by making available to all citizens, in a free, its telemedicine platform I want to take care of myself More through the solidarity initiative # MédicosfrentealCOVID which, with the support of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) and the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC), has contributed to decongest the emergencies thanks to the fact that health professionals have altruistically given their time to attend patient consultations by chat or telephone.

More than 850 doctors have signed up as volunteers and almost 16,000 consultations from different specialties such as family medicine, internal medicine or gynecology, among others, have been attended in a 100% confidential way.

The platform, which can be accessed through the web or the app I want to take care of myself More, allows you to chat or have videoconferences with a doctor, obtain electronic prescriptions, consult with a digital midwife or a healthy habits coach and, shortly , order analytical tests.


Medical platforms, such as DKV's, which has been bringing telemedicine closer to its clients in a very advanced way for several years, are becoming fashionable as a professional and useful response not only at this time but also for the future, and this has Inmaculada Santos as a user of the application I want to take care of myself more : "I really believe that there are many things that happen to us every day that, without being serious, incapacitate or uncomfortable. I am convinced that many can be solved online without having to go to a hospital ".

"Our youngest son is an insulin-dependent diabetic and at the end of March he had a strange rash on his foot. For diabetics, foot care is very important. I didn't really know what it could be and obviously it was not the right time to go to the hospital. I thought it might be useful to consult with a doctor through the app ", explains Inmaculada that, as the mother of a diabetic child, she feels sure of having a doctor always at hand. "It is very reassuring to have a tool like this on your mobile. Also, open to all citizens, whether or not they are DKV customers."

" Contact with the doctor is almost immediate . Upon entering you have two options: contact for questions about COVID-19 or questions about other types of pathologies. I chose other pathologies, explained the case and I think that in 1 or 2 minutes a doctor identified herself With his name and he asked me several questions. I sent him two pictures of the injury and he recommended a cream at the pharmacy for non-serious skin lesions. He told me that he will use it for two days and that if it does not improve we will make a video call. It was very successful and With the cream that he recommended, the problem was solved. "

In the last 6 weeks, more than 16,000 telemedicine medical consultations have been carried out and there have been more than 40,000 downloads of the DKV app , which shows that this new reality in medicine is not punctual but is here to stay .

Virtual health care is current and is already among us, a tool that protects us and makes life easier . It assures us of quality healthcare, without exposing ourselves, thanks to the benefits of the technology with which we coexist and the goodwill of companies with DKV and their commitment to people, of course.