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The look with long sleeves of queen letizia in full heat wave

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Queen Letizia's looks are always the subject of a meticulous analysis. The minute you appear before the media, the headlines are already filled with your name and that of the brands you have chosen for the occasion. Her last public appearance has not been an exception but the truth is that we are going to have to blame her for causing more than one fainting because she has worn long sleeves in the heat of the heat wave!

The winter look of Queen Letizia in the month of July

Yes, friends, in Madrid we are over 30º and she goes and puts on long sleeves. But this stylistic choice probably has an explanation and it is that surely Letizia has chosen her outfit thinking that she will spend the morning suffering from the air conditioning at freezing temperatures . We understand you, Letizia, we are the ones who always have the cardigan on the back of the office chair for when the temperatures drop below zero in July.

This is the look of discord. It is the one that the queen has chosen for a working meeting with the Spanish Association Against Cancer and the truth is that it is not as crazy as some have wanted to point out. The white blouse looks like the lightest fabric and Prince of Wales check trousers from one of her favorite brands, Hugo Boss. As accessories, shoes and nude color wallet, both from Magrit.

In other words, sheltered, what is said warm was not going either and it is true that many times it is convenient to wear long sleeves to protect yourself from the sun and the heat itself. But of course, today that we are all dressed with the minimum possible so that we do not get any heat, it has been very strange to see the queen with something other than a sleeveless dress. In any case, it was very elegant and appropriate for what it had to do and incidentally not to get caught in the air.