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The blunder of maría pombo skipping the dress code of a party

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Put yourself in situation, they invite you to a super exclusive party. Nothing less than the launch of the new perfume from a firm of the height of Yves Saint Laurent. Dua Lipa has come as godmother, with all that that implies, of course, since it is the image of the brand. And everyone is dressed in rigorous black. And now, you arrive, dressed in yellow! And the first thing they say, "You about the dress code total black , what for, right?" What a cut! Well that's exactly what happened to the influencer María Pombo and the poor thing did not know where to go.

The funniest mistake of María Pombo at the YSL party

The truth is that the poor thing could not have chosen a worse color to be wrong with the dress code of the party. But hey, they are things that happen, similar things have happened to all of us hundreds of times, so Maria, you represent us. Don't be cut off! In addition, she herself has told it in her stories returning from the party that Yves Saint Laurent had organized last night in Madrid to celebrate the launch of her new perfume, Libre, of which the singer Dua Lipa is the image.

María said that when she arrived, someone had told her that she had skipped the party's dress code . She defended herself by claiming that she had not learned that there were any dress codes but that, looking at it on the positive side, she can wear black all year round, and the beautiful yellow dress she had chosen for the occasion could only be worn put now that she's a bit brown after the summer

However, she confessed to having been quite ashamed because in a sea of ​​black she stood out a lot with her yellow dress and that what she likes the least is to attract attention. For his peace of mind, this morning, the organization of the event assured him that the dress code was not rigid and that nothing happened because he had been wearing yellow.