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Weekly horoscope: December 19-25

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Aries March 21 - April 19

You continue to sweep the field of relationships. Whether you are married or not, get ready for a Christmas you will never forget. The stars bring you romantic encounters, reconciliations with friends and family, and a lot of love everywhere. Take advantage of this good time to enjoy it to the fullest, and break once and for all the barriers that separate you from your loves.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

You are still somewhat blocked in the field of work and your professional aspirations. And you know that it is largely your responsibility for not taking the bull by the horns and carrying it out once and for all. It's a shame because, right now, you have the opportunity to achieve many of the plans you crave. Don't use the holidays as an excuse to put off your projects.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

The stars bring you passion this Christmas everywhere. The opportunity you were waiting for is here, and if you take advantage of it, you will enjoy it to the fullest. It can both be a crazy night with your partner or with that person who brings you the skull, or even a professional offer that will make you feel fulfilled and will make you passionate about it.

Cancer June 21 - July 22

At last, many of the misunderstandings that kept you awake are resolved. There will be reunions and reconciliations. And everything that is solved during these magical dates will come out renewed, strengthened and much more solid than before. So get ready to have your schedule full of commitments again.

Leo July 23 - August 22

You are in the middle of a time of change and each time you feel looser and more yourself. So these holidays it's time to relax and have fun. Even if Christmas food is difficult for you for many years, do not fear it because, this time, you will have a better time than you imagine. And it is possible that something happens that you love and fill you with joy.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

A lot of attention at these parties because it is more than likely that they will go down in your story as one of the most romantic and endearing. If you are not yet in a relationship, chances are high that you will find someone who will be very important in your life. And if you already have it, those friction that distanced you will be fixed and you will enjoy your mutual company like never before.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Patience. Something related to home and the place where you live will remain stagnant and will not be resolved as you wanted. So you have no choice but to wait. The stars say that everything comes in due time. And yours has not yet arrived, which does not mean that it will not end up doing it sooner or later …

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Although this Christmas will be colder than you would like for certain events that have plagued your family in recent times, do not despair. In the darkness, there will be a ray of light that will illuminate you and give you all the warmth you need. If you have not yet found the love of your life, you may find him now.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

Enough of repressing yourself and giving up what you want so much. The time has come to go for it and get away with that project that you like so much. So during the holidays, think calmly about your winning strategy and prepare to look more than ever. The key is to put all your passion in what you fight for.

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

These aren't going to be your best Christmas parties, but that's not why you should be discouraged. Your relationship with the family is not at its best. But nothing is eternal. The key is to think long term and let the present storm pass. And focus on everything around you that does satisfy you, which is not little.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

You are still in a period of high tension and very stressful. Even if you feel that you no longer have the strength to bear the full weight of circumstances, hold on. After this test, you will live a super tender encounter with your partner or with someone you love very much that will fill your heart with hope and joy.

Pisces February 20 - March 20

During the Christmas holidays, some family conflicts will be rekindled that are repeated year after year, either with brothers-in-law, in-laws or those relatives with whom you always bump into each other. But don't lose your temper or get into arguments, and enjoy to the fullest everything that will work as it should. This way you will feel good and not attacked.