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How to fight bad breath

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Avoid sweets

Avoid sweets

Certain foods such as sweets, sausage or beef can cause bad breath because they generate heavy digestion.

Looks after your teeth

Looks after your teeth

Oral hygiene is one of the most important aspects when it comes to fighting bad breath. Electric brushes with a round head are the ones that remove the most residues, which are the ones that generate a bad smell. Also use dental floss.

Oral-B CrossAction Head Electric Toothbrush, € 54

Drink a lot of water

Drink a lot of water

Alcoholic beverages and some soft drinks can cause halitosis. The classic bad morning breath is caused by a lack of saliva in the mouth at night. To avoid or minimize both problems, the ideal is to drink water often to stay well hydrated. Is it difficult for you to drink water? Take note of these tricks.

Chew parsley

Chew parsley

Parsley is one of the herbs that help fight bad breath as well as carrots, citrus fruits or cloves and fennel seeds, dill or anise.

Rinse off

Rinse off

Using a mouthwash daily will help you maintain good hygiene in your mouth. In addition, you will eliminate bacteria from the tongue, one of the places where more dirt accumulates and makes your breath smell worse.

Watch your diet

Watch your diet

In addition to avoiding certain groups of harmful foods, there are others that you should include in your diet such as fruits and vegetables. Apples and green leafy vegetables are best in these cases.

Take infusions

Take infusions

Those of mint, eucalyptus, thyme, sage or rosemary will help neutralize bad breath and are also good for your digestion.

In general, the main cause of bad breath - between 85 and 90% of cases - is poor oral hygiene or certain diseases of the gums or teeth, such as cavities. Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, or chronic sinusitis are other conditions that can be accompanied by bad breath, as well as certain digestive problems or certain medications.

Temporary bad breath disappears or is easy to correct, but if it becomes chronic, its cause will have to be sought . Identify what your breath smells like (or what it reminds you of) and remedy it.


When food stays in the mouth and rots, toxins are generated that cause this smell. This buildup leads to tartar and infections.

The solution. It is advisable to brush your teeth three times a day. In addition to brushing, it is also convenient to use dental floss and mouthwash.


It can be due to a poor diet, dehydration or it could also indicate that you have diabetes.

The solution. Make sure it's not a blood sugar problem by asking your doctor to do a glucose check.


Fishy smell could indicate kidney failure. These are not able to eliminate toxins and creatinine and urea rise, producing an odor similar to that of rotten fish or urine.

The solution. See your doctor for a blood test and ultrasound.


This odor may be due to an intestinal obstruction, due to which the stool cannot be eliminated.

The solution. Especially if it is accompanied by vomiting and they smell like feces, it is a reason to go to the ER.

Tips for fresh breath

  • A proper daily hygiene is essential to have a fresh and healthy breath, so do not forget to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Also use dental floss, mouthwash and remember to clean your tongue as well.
  • Diet is also essential to enjoy fresh breath. Eat a balanced diet that includes all the food groups. Avoid cold cuts or desserts or sweets that stick to your teeth and cause bad breath.
  • Certain herbs and spices found in any kitchen naturally help you have good breath. For example, parsley, carrots, citrus fruits or cloves and seeds of fennel, dill or anise.
  • If you want to use medicinal plants to neutralize bad breath, go for mint, eucalyptus, thyme, sage or rosemary. Prepare them in infusion.