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Diet to lose weight 3 kilos almost without realizing it

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Thanks to a survey we carried out with 5,000 CLARA readers, we have created this weight loss diet designed by and for real women, in which you are the protagonist. Many of you told us that you wanted to lose about 3 kilos, so we have prepared this ideal diet to lose 1 to 3 kilos. It is a 7-day weekly menu with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and mid-morning and afternoon snacks. Each day you will eat about 1,600 calories

It is a diet designed to measure by Dr. Mª Isabel Beltrán, CLARA's nutritionist doctor, taking into account what you really want (and what you don't) from a diet.

How is this diet to lose 3 kilos

  • It allows you to socialize. If you eat out, try to choose dishes similar to those on the menu.
  • You can eat bread, pasta and chocolate.
  • It is not strict, you can exchange the dishes or make similar preparations.
  • You do not have to weigh quantities.

Guidelines for doing the 3 kilos diet

  • Follow it a minimum of 2-3 weeks.
  • If you are hungry between meals, have an infusion or vegetable broth without salt.
  • At the end, eat normally, continuing with the good habits that you have adopted and enjoying 2-3 free meals a week.
  • Weigh yourself once a week and if you see that you regain a kilo, go back to the menu.
  • And in times when a lot of commitments are coming together, follow your compensation schedule too.
  • If you're in the mood for pizza a lot, for example, enjoy a hand-sized slice with a green salad.


The key is to listen to your body. If you are not hungry as soon as you wake up, you will eat at midmorning. If, on the other hand, you wake up with a rumbling stomach, eat well at home and have a light snack in the middle of the morning or none at all.

In the menu you will find 7 breakfasts. You can repeat the ones you like the most. You can also create new ones following some bases:

  1. Oatmeal or unsweetened cereals with milk and fruit
  2. Toast or mini wholemeal bread with protein –natural tuna, fresh cheese, Iberian ham, egg, hummus, avocado …– and a piece of fruit.


As Dr. Beltrán says, "to lose weight you have to know the calories in the dishes, not in the food." For this reason, it has designed a method for CLARA based on making meals that are between 450 and 500 kcal, "because that caloric value is what allows you to eat well, feel satisfied, receive the necessary nutrients and not starve."

You can combine the lunch menus with those of the dinner that you like the most and put them on the day of the week that best suits you. And also, your whole family can eat them (because with how good they are, no one will say that they are diet dishes). Of course, he calculates that the carbohydrate rations - rice, potato, pasta or bread - are a handful.

More meal ideas:

  • Broad beans and mussels paella
  • Macaroni with a ball of minced meat, 3 tablespoons of sofrito and grated cheese
  • Sailor spaghetti with clams, garlic and parsley
  • Zucchini cream without cream with grilled prawns.

You can accompany these meals with a green salad and with one of the desserts that we propose in the downloadable menu. And if you still want more, here are 55 recipes to lose weight that will come in handy.


The menus that we propose for dinner are around 400 kcal, which is what fits well in the program you follow and what will make you go to bed satiated but not stuffy, to be able to rest well.

They are quick and easy recipes that you won't be lazy to make. This way you will not throw away sausages and cheeses, which are no longer just fattening, they are super unhealthy because they are loaded with hidden salt and fat.

If you haven't had a snack and you come to dinner ravenously hungry, first have a hot vegetable broth or eat a medium carrot.

More dinner options:

  • Potato salad with 1 egg, 1 can of natural tuna and 6 black olives
  • Vegetable omelette with cream, stew or green salad.
  • Green beans with potato and grilled cuttlefish
  • Turkey with mushrooms en papillote
  • Baked eggs with broccoli and cherry tomatoes

If you need even more options, here are plenty of light dinners.