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Quick and easy diet to lose weight effectively

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We have been at home for weeks and neither eat as we did before nor move in the same way. We can have moments of downturn, accumulate many vermouths online with friends, eat more biscuits and cakes than normal because we have been eating pastries or we peck all day because we have a runrún in our head that we try to silence with food … Everything This is normal and we should not feel guilty about it, but we should put a stop to it before it gets out of hand. CLARA's quick and easy weight loss diet will help you lose between 5 and 8 kilos (depending on where you start) in about 4-6 weeks.

Quick and easy diet to lose weight: how to follow it

It is a diet that goes in phases. They are short phases, of about two weeks each (except from the third, which will depend on how your weight evolves), to stimulate weight loss but also to ensure that there is no rebound effect.

  • The first phase. The first and second week you will eat three meals a day, without any snacks either mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
  • The second phase. The third and fourth week you will add the first snack, better if it is in the morning (but it can be in the afternoon depending on your biorhythm, which can make you more hungry at one time or another of the day).
  • The third phase. From the fourth week you can already make two snacks a day.
  • Maintenance. When you're at your desired weight, stabilize it by adding a second of (poultry, fish, egg, tofu, or tempeh) to dinner. Once you have achieved that the new weight does not rise in 3-4 weeks, you can have your first free meal (eat what you want, but in a sensible portion and without repeating). If you continue to maintain your weight, add a second free meal (you can get up to 3 free meals a week, which you can distribute as lunch, dinner or vermouth as you wish).

Quick and easy diet to lose weight: Meals

The three main meals are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  • Breakfast. It should be a light but satisfying breakfast, in which you include protein -egg, oatmeal, fresh cheese or light meats… - to take away your hunger for longer.
  • Food. It will follow the guidelines of the Harvard plate, with half a plate being all vegetables, a quarter of cereals (rice, pasta, quinoa, legume …) or potato (which is equivalent to a serving of garnish); the other quarter of the plate will be protein (white or red meat, fish, egg, legumes, tofu, tempeh, seitan).

The Harvard plate is not only an easy way to organize menus without counting calories, it also combines these ingredients in a way that helps you lose weight. The fact that the base is vegetable makes you fill up with few calories because if you eat it in a salad or if you use light cooking such as steam, iron or oven, the vegetable itself is very light. In addition, the fiber in vegetables makes the glucose in the carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta …) that you take in the same menu to be absorbed more slowly and there are no peaks, so there are no "attacks" of hunger. In addition, by including light protein, this "hunger suppression" effect is reinforced.

For dessert, you should have seasonal fruit or natural yogurt. Although they provide natural sugars to the diet - fructose in the case of fruit and lactose in the case of yogurt - these will not make your glucose level rise as they mix with the rest of the foods in the meal. But, in addition, having something sweet at the end is the way to send the message to the brain that “we have finished” eating. To ensure our survival, the brain expects the food to provide certain flavors, the sweet being the one that "closes".

  • Dinner. Dinner will be much lighter than lunch and, above all, more digestive. Therefore, the first ones will be creams of vegetables or cooked vegetables accompanied by a whole yogurt and without sugar (you can add a tablespoon of oat bran to make it more satiating and to stimulate intestinal transit).

Diet for quick and easy diet to lose weight: type menu

  • Breakfast. Soft-boiled egg with whole wheat toast and tea, coffee or milk infusion
  • Food. Lemon chicken with vegetables with a roast potato and an apple
  • Dinner. Zucchini cream and natural yogurt with a teaspoon of oat bran

Depending on the phase you are in, to these meals you can add one or two snacks from the list that follows


Quick and easy diet to lose weight: snacks

  • 1-2 carrots
  • A piece of fruit or equivalent (cup of strawberries or cherries, 2 tangerines or plums …) with a handful of nuts (20 g)
  • Yogurt or glass of milk or vegetable drink with a handful of nuts (20 g)
  • An ounce of more than 85% dark chocolate with a handful of dried fruit (20 g)
  • A handful of dried fruit (no sugar added in the process, about 20 g) with a handful of dried fruit (20 g)
  • A can of natural tuna
  • A can of natural cockles
  • Two tablespoons of roasted chickpeas in the oven with spices to taste
  • An ounce of more than 85% dark chocolate with a handful of dried fruit (20 g)
  • A handful of dried fruit (no sugar added in the process, about 20 g) with a handful of dried fruit (20 g)
  • Homemade fruit gelatin (no sugar added. You can add a sweet touch with date paste).
  • Pickled vegetables (pickles, carrots, onions …)
  • Cherries tomatoes with fresh mozzarella balls
  • A small tub of fresh cheese with a trickle of olive oil and oregano
  • A green smoothie
  • Homemade microwave popcorn with no oil and very little salt

What if I'm hungry when I can't make snacks?

If you feel like eating but cannot make snacks, you can resort to having a large glass of hot unsalted vegetable broth , to sip it. You can also resort to hot infusions (to which you should not add sugar).

Another idea is to chew sugar-free gum, if what you have above all is anxiety.

It is better not to resort to solid foods, but if it is difficult for you not to eat between meals, you can take a raw carrot, which is a food that forces you to chew and will take away the anxiety to eat.