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Soup diet: lose 5 kilos with the most satiating diet

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Who doesn't feel like having a warm soup in winter? And with more enthusiasm you are going to take it when you discover all its slimming virtues. There are many scientific studies that support that eating low-calorie soup in a balanced diet is very useful for losing weight.

The soup diet: 20% fewer calories a day

According to a study published in the journal Appetite , people who eat a low-calorie soup as a first course consume 20% fewer total calories in that meal, which helps to lose weight. By eating soup we fill the stomach with liquid and it is This makes us feel full, so we eat less. But … we can wonder if, being only liquid, we will arrive at the next meal hungrier. The answer is no. Scientists say that although liquids leave the stomach more quickly than solid foods, when combined, the solids expand and the food stays in your stomach longer, thus causing a longer-lasting feeling of fullness.

Being spooned, they force us to eat slowly

Another advantage of having soup over juices or smoothies is that the latter, when drunk from a glass, we consume them quickly, while soups, being spooned, are taken more slowly, which gives time to brain to register the feeling of fullness before consuming too many calories. According to a study published in Authority Nutrition , people who eat fast are up to 115% more likely to be obese.

Soup diet: digestive and anti bloating

To make soups, food must be cooked for a long time, so they are easily digested and the bioavailability of its nutrients (vitamins, minerals …) increases. By improving digestibility, they avoid problems such as bloating, heaviness or gas.

How to follow the soup diet

It will be very comfortable for you because we give you recipes for soups and light creams and a weekly menu to fit them into a healthy and balanced diet. The soups that we propose are made with fresh food –basically, vegetables–, without cream, or sausages, etc., at most, light meats, so that they are really low in calories and digestive. Do not suffer, the soups and creams that you we propose have little work. They need a short stir-fry, add vegetables, chup chup and strain or blend. And most of the time, the chup chup, they are done without supervision. If you add some meat, just wait for them to cool to remove the fat. Being a healthy and balanced diet, you can follow it until you are at the weight you want. Then,to avoid the rebound effect, introduce a free meal a week for as many weeks as the kilos you have lost.

Soup diet to lose 5 kilos

The answer to this question is always relative, because it depends on your constitution, your age, your habits (if you accompany it with exercise and an active life, you lose more and faster) and the weight you have to lose. But, in general, about 5 kilos are lost, 1 to 3 kilos the first week and the rest in the following weeks.

Are you stuck in your weight loss?

You can do one fast day a week in which you will have only vegetable soup; or a week of dinners based on a first soup or vegetable cream and only vegetable toppings and a natural yogurt.