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Low fat and calorie diet to lose weight in two weeks

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Do you feel that your weight has suffered in these days of confinement? Don't you see yourself capable of following a strict diet and don't want to go hungry? If you feel identified with these situations, the diet low in fat and calories that our nutritionist, Dr. María Isabel Beltrán, has prepared, will come in handy.

How is this low-fat diet to lose weight?

It is not a magic diet. It is a diet with menus for two weeks made up of real food, food that you really want to eat, but cooked with healthy methods that do not add calories. Paella, potato omelette … even pizza! All this has a place in the diet, although of course, not every day or in the amount that you think, but in moderate portions.

It is a balanced diet. Dr. Beltrán has designed the menus so that they provide 30% of the total amount you eat per day, which is what your body needs to perform its functions, because a completely fat-free diet would not be healthy. Remember that even vegetables have some fat, even if it is a tiny amount. What it is about is to provide the right amount of fat that we need and no more, thus we avoid accumulating in the belly, the cartridge belts …

Fat yes, but not just any. This diet includes the healthy fats from olive oil, avocado, oily fish or nuts, a type of fat that helps maintain a healthy weight, that is, it has a positive impact on body weight. For example, oily fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and it has been proven in various studies that these do not make you gain weight.

The right calories. To lose weight you need to "cut" part of the calories you consume so that the deficit between those you take and those you burn is such that you can lose weight. For this reason, Dr. Beltrán has adjusted the menus to be hypocaloric. But this will not make you hungry since by not eliminating fat or other food groups such as proteins, the meals are very balanced and satisfying.

How to follow the diet low in fat and calories?

Download the menus for two weeks of the diet. You will find our proposals for breakfasts, mid-mornings, lunches, snacks and dinners. You can continue with the diet for up to 8 weeks, then you should return to your usual diet. Our weekly menus will help you eat healthy and maintain weight. If you want to lose 10 kilos or more, we recommend that you go to a nutritionist doctor.

  • Download the menu for week 1
  • Download the menu of week 2

This will help you follow the diet well.

If you want to read more information about this diet you can enter here