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Diet to take more calcium without the need for dairy

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Dairy is an exceptional source of calcium, but not the only one. In fact, Isabel Martorell, dietician-nutritionist at Nootric, has proposed a diet rich in calcium without them. It is a diet full of foods with a lot of calcium but without being dairy: legumes (especially soybeans), green leafy vegetables, nuts (almonds, hazelnuts …), fish eaten with thorn (sardines, small anchovies …)

To improve calcium absorption, avoid taking these foods together with other very fatty foods, rich in insoluble fiber or with oxalic acid (chard, tea …); and do not take too much salt or sugar, or too much protein. Here is the complete list of foods that "steal" calcium.

This diet is very advisable to take more calcium because, since specialists say that it is always better to obtain calcium thanks to the consumption of several foods distributed throughout the day than to rely on just one.

Vitamin D, the perfect match for calcium

Vitamin D, because it facilitates the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It is provided by salmon, sardines, eggs, butter, and cod liver oil. But in this case, not everything is food, sunbathing also helps the body generate vitamin D.

Moving for strong bones

Bone is a living tissue that gains density and becomes stronger with exercise. Moving away from sedentary lifestyle and leading healthy lifestyles can do as much for the health of your bones as eating foods rich in calcium. You can start exercising at home with our fitness expert Patry Jordan.