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Lose weight better: what to eat and what not to get rid of anxiety about eating

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Due to the moment that we are living, it is normal that we have more anxiety than usual and that our nerves are on the surface. The coronavirus is testing us, but you know what? Let's get it! One of the things that we have within our reach and that will make us feel calmer is food. 

What you eat conditions your mood  more than you think. You can make yourself feel calmer and reduce anxiety about eating, including certain foods in your diet with a "calming" effect. But you can also feel more anxious, more nervous and hungrier, if you choose other foods that make you more hungry than they take away. 


The diet provides us with the nutritional basis so that our brain can manufacture the main neurotransmitters that regulate mood and control anxiety. Therefore, in order to cope with quarantine in the best possible way, it is essential to eat well and bet on a diet that contains certain amino acids, vitamins and minerals necessary to feed our emotions. Oh! And keep in mind that very strict diets increase cravings for eating and snacking.

When we are on our nerves we secrete more cortisol . This hormone favors the increase in blood glucose level and causes fat to accumulate in your body. Thus, cortisol is related to obesity and voracity. The good news? Magnesium, tryptophan, and vitamin C help you stop your feet.


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is involved in the regulation of mood and in the management of stress. For this reason, some give it the nickname of the hormone of happiness. For neurons to be able to manufacture serotonin, they need to have an amino acid called tryptophan at their disposal,  which we must obtain through certain foods, such as milk, banana, avocado, almonds, cherries, turkey, figs, flax seeds or brown rice. 


Fatty acids have been shown to  improve mood  and anxiety symptoms. Omega 3 in particular is very necessary. Part of the membrane of our neurons is made up of fatty acids and if our diet is poor in them, the passage of information from one neuron to another will be limited. The Mediterranean diet recommends eating blue fish three times a week and nuts five times a week (about 7 almonds a day).


Chocolate is one of the foods we usually choose when we are sad. And the fact is that the cocoa it contains has important benefits on the mood, thanks to the fact that it makes us secrete more dopamine, but also because it has theobromine (100 grams of cocoa provide 450 milligrams),  a slightly antidepressant substance , from the same family as coffee , tea or drinks with cola, but whose arrival to the nervous system is softer and longer lasting than these. It also contains anandamide, which binds to the same receptors in the brain as the active substance in marijuana. All of this may explain why it is so gratifying to eat it. Of course, as you will see later, to achieve this effect, the chocolate you drink must be at least 70% cocoa.


Several studies have shown that eating a diet rich in magnesium reduces the production of cortisol, a hormone that is synthesized in the adrenal glands and is released in stressful situations . This hormone favors the increase in blood glucose level and causes fat to accumulate in your body. Therefore, cortisol has been linked to obesity and an inordinate increase in appetite. Magnesium foods prevent food cravings and fight fatigue, good!



Vitamin C is a fundamental nutrient for the body to produce serotonin. Our body does not generate it by itself, so it must be obtained from foods such as kiwis, oranges, tangerines, lemons, currants or strawberries . But also, in times of stress or anxiety, you have to increase its consumption since the adrenaline that we generate when we are nervous consumes a lot of vitamin C and there is less available to generate serotonin.

Here we tell you  which foods you should include in your diet to avoid anxiety about eating and which you should avoid from today . We are in this together, will you join us?

Due to the moment that we are living, it is normal that we have more anxiety than usual and that our nerves are on the surface. The coronavirus is testing us, but you know what? Let's get it! One of the things that we have within our reach and that will make us feel calmer is food. 

What you eat conditions your mood  more than you think. You can make yourself feel calmer and reduce anxiety about eating, including certain foods in your diet with a "calming" effect. But you can also feel more anxious, more nervous and hungrier, if you choose other foods that make you more hungry than they take away. 


The diet provides us with the nutritional basis so that our brain can manufacture the main neurotransmitters that regulate mood and control anxiety. Therefore, in order to cope with quarantine in the best possible way, it is essential to eat well and bet on a diet that contains certain amino acids, vitamins and minerals necessary to feed our emotions. Oh! And keep in mind that very strict diets increase cravings for eating and snacking.

When we are on our nerves we secrete more cortisol . This hormone favors the increase in blood glucose level and causes fat to accumulate in your body. Thus, cortisol is related to obesity and voracity. The good news? Magnesium, tryptophan, and vitamin C help you stop your feet.


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is involved in the regulation of mood and in the management of stress. For this reason, some give it the nickname of the hormone of happiness. For neurons to be able to manufacture serotonin, they need to have an amino acid called tryptophan at their disposal,  which we must obtain through certain foods, such as milk, banana, avocado, almonds, cherries, turkey, figs, flax seeds or brown rice. 


Fatty acids have been shown to  improve mood  and anxiety symptoms. Omega 3 in particular is very necessary. Part of the membrane of our neurons is made up of fatty acids and if our diet is poor in them, the passage of information from one neuron to another will be limited. The Mediterranean diet recommends eating blue fish three times a week and nuts five times a week (about 7 almonds a day).


Chocolate is one of the foods we usually choose when we are sad. And the fact is that the cocoa it contains has important benefits on the mood, thanks to the fact that it makes us secrete more dopamine, but also because it has theobromine (100 grams of cocoa provide 450 milligrams),  a slightly antidepressant substance , from the same family as coffee , tea or drinks with cola, but whose arrival to the nervous system is softer and longer lasting than these. It also contains anandamide, which binds to the same receptors in the brain as the active substance in marijuana. All of this may explain why it is so gratifying to eat it. Of course, as you will see later, to achieve this effect, the chocolate you drink must be at least 70% cocoa.


Several studies have shown that eating a diet rich in magnesium reduces the production of cortisol, a hormone that is synthesized in the adrenal glands and is released in stressful situations . This hormone favors the increase in blood glucose level and causes fat to accumulate in your body. Therefore, cortisol has been linked to obesity and an inordinate increase in appetite. Magnesium foods prevent food cravings and fight fatigue, good!



Vitamin C is a fundamental nutrient for the body to produce serotonin. Our body does not generate it by itself, so it must be obtained from foods such as kiwis, oranges, tangerines, lemons, currants or strawberries . But also, in times of stress or anxiety, you have to increase its consumption since the adrenaline that we generate when we are nervous consumes a lot of vitamin C and there is less available to generate serotonin.

Here we tell you  which foods you should include in your diet to avoid anxiety about eating and which you should avoid from today . We are in this together, will you join us?

Sugar causes more hunger

Sugar causes more hunger

Sugar stimulates the production of endorphins, the "pleasure molecules", which generates well-being. In addition, it gives us an instant high because it passes quickly into the blood, but is followed by a low that creates a feeling of hunger and causes us to eat more.

More serotonin = less anxiety

More serotonin = less anxiety

Serotonin regulates mood. To be able to manufacture it, your neurons need tryptophan, which is obtained through foods such as milk, yogurt, banana … In addition, tryptophan works better if it is taken together with hydrates. So, if nerves or hunger haunt you, fearlessly mix a yogurt with whole grains and seeds, nuts, fruit … You will feel better immediately.

Anxiety in the afternoon?

Anxiety in the afternoon?

Do not worry, it is not due to lack of will, your mind demands serotonin to compensate. A good measure is to snack on something that contains carbohydrates and tryptophan such as a glass of milk with cocoa and a handful of nuts. The protein in milk facilitates the assimilation of magnesium from cocoa and nuts.

Excess pastries

Excess pastries

Irritable? Nervous? Concentration problems? Do not worry, we are all the same and who does not irritate being in quarantine? If to this you add a deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine) - studies have shown that this deficit is frequent in those who resort a lot to fast food and pastries -, your anxiety could be greater. And what can you do? Well, take whole grains, pistachios, corn, hazelnuts, whole wheat bread or legumes.

Dark chocolate is your ally

Dark chocolate is your ally

Dark chocolate will be your best friend if you are down or stressed or, like right now, locked up at home. The blacker it is, the more tryptophan it contributes; and less fattening too, since its percentage in fat is lower. By the way, it also contains anandamide, which binds to the same brain receptors as the active substance in marijuana. All of this may explain why it is so gratifying to eat it.


  • Daily amount. It is advisable to eat 10 to 20 grams a day, which is equivalent to a maximum of 140 calories.
  • Best time. After lunch or in the afternoon. In sensitive people, if taken at night it can cause insomnia.
  • Cocoa content. It must have a minimum of 70%, if not, the benefits are lost.

Sweet vitamin C

Sweet vitamin C

Vitamin C is a fundamental nutrient for your body to produce serotonin and make you feel better. Take it in its sweetest version: fruit. Especially if you are nervous or going through a stressful time like these days, since your body needs to increase the dose. You find it in raspberries, blueberries, kiwis, oranges, tangerines, lemons, currants or strawberries … Discover the foods with more vitamin C.

Precooked foods awaken voracity

Precooked foods awaken voracity

Abusing them can cause a lack of vitamins and minerals, which translates into a low mood. In addition, consuming something fast, such as fast food, causes the stomach's satiety hormones not to notify the brain quickly enough about its state. And you end up stuffed.

Omega 3 to restore calm

Omega 3 to restore calm

According to a recent study by Ohio State University (USA), a daily dose of 2.5 grams of omega 3 (which is provided by five sardines or a salmon fillet) reduces anxiety symptoms by 20% . This salmon, shrimp, tomato and avocado tartare is a bomb of omega 3 and vitamin C and it is also delicious. Take a look at these 10 delicious recipes with salmon.

Fried foods are nerve-racking

Fried foods alter the nerves

Being rich in saturated fats, they can increase blood pressure, which accelerates the blood rate, thus promoting nervousness and anxiety.

Crunchy foods are "addictive"

Crunchy foods are "addictive"

Chips, snacks … It has been shown that the sound produced by biting a crunchy food activates the appetite and is directly related to pleasure. Therefore, you cannot eat just one potato or a few. When it starts, it is difficult to stop.

The potato omelette is "soothing"

The potato omelette is "soothing"

The potato omelette provides slow absorption carbohydrates to keep you from getting tired, choline to your brain, and other nutrients that make it ideal if you have to face a hard working day or a time of stress, anxiety or a lot of nerves. Don't miss our favorite potato omelette recipe.

The "sugar + fat" hooks us

The "sugar + fat" hooks us

When a lot of sugar and a lot of fat are combined in the same food, we get "hooked." In a recent trial with mice it was found that when these foods were withdrawn, the animals suffered an anxiety attack similar to that caused by nicotine withdrawal. This is why it is so difficult to get out of the vicious cycle of anxiety to eat. The food itself feeds that anxiety.

Chocolate bread snack and goodbye anxiety

Chocolate bread snack and goodbye anxiety

A delicious breakfast or snack that will help you control hunger and put you in a good mood. Especially if you prepare it with whole wheat bread and chocolate with 70% cocoa. The combination is perfect for keeping serotonin levels stable.

The famous glutamate

The famous glutamate

Monosodium glutamate is a flavoring that is in many prepared foods (precooked, oriental cuisine, etc). It is proven that when we consume foods with glutamate, our appetite increases and voracity is awakened.

Combine vegetables and get it right

Combine vegetables and get it right

Do you want a healthy and relaxing dish? Accompany your fish or meat with a garnish based on three different varieties of vegetables with different colors. Each color corresponds to a pigment with different properties for health. Dressed with extra virgin olive oil to improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins present in vegetables (A, E and K) and flax or poppy seeds.

Sausages, from quick solution to problem

Sausages, from quick solution to problem

Raise your hand who does not resort to sausages when you do not know what to eat for dinner. Well, this action, if the sausage is not of quality and artisan, can have an irritating effect on the nervous system due to additives and preservatives. In addition, although they are of quality, the sausages have a lot of salt, which has a certain "addictive" effect, which is why anxiety and craving for it appears when its consumption is limited. We know that in the middle of quarantine, you will be tempted to "throw" sausages on more than one occasion but, as far as possible, avoid them!

Relaxing lettuce

Relaxing lettuce

One of the main properties of lettuce is its relaxing power, which is why it is an excellent dish to have at dinner. It is rich in fiber and low in calories and carbohydrates (only 0.9 g of sugar per 100 g). Its main richness is in the darker leaves, since these are very rich in folic acid, an important vitamin for the health of the nervous system.

Cottage cheese, the forgotten dessert

Cottage cheese, the forgotten dessert

The good reputation of being healthy is the yogurt and the rich one, the flan. And the truth is that cottage cheese gives you 4 times more protein than milk and very little fat (less than fresh cheese). So it is the most recommended dairy if you want to lose weight. Take it with honey, fruit or nuts, to reinforce its "anti-anxiety" effect. Take advantage of your stay at home to prepare this recipe for a light cottage cheese mousse.

What to eat in the throes of hunger?

What to eat in the throes of hunger?

Take an unripe fruit rich in vitamin C, "the vitamin of good humor." Being green forces you to chew more, which allows the feeling of satiety to reach the brain earlier. Along with kiwi and pineapple, the green apple stands out, which provides only 52 kcal / 100 g and whose content of sugars, phosphorus and iron make it a high-caliber weapon to combat gluttony.

More muesli, less anxiety

More muesli, less anxiety

Make your own muesli with almond milk, rolled oats, 1 dried apricot, blueberries and 3-4 walnuts. This is how you join the magnesium richness of oats and walnuts, the acidity of the fruit. This combination gives you the nutrients you need so that your body does not succumb to the anxiety to eat.

5 nuts a day to relax

5 nuts a day to relax

The fatty acids in nuts have been shown to improve mood and anxiety symptoms. Walnuts also provide you with magnesium, which promotes sleep and relaxation.

Morning recharge

It is the time of day when our neurons secrete more dopamine, so in a good breakfast it is great to include a little cheese, a food that provides a large amount of phenylalanine. This way we ensure that the neural repository does not mark reserve at a crucial moment of the day. Other foods rich in phenylalanine are serrano ham, fish, soybeans, eggs … Include cheese in your breakfast to recharge your dopamine store. So that you don't lack omega 3, mix pumpkin, sunflower and flax seeds. Crush and take 3 tablespoons a day

Magnesium, the mineral with a relaxing effect

A diet rich in magnesium helps you burn more fat, combat fluid retention, avoid anxiety about eating, and combat fatigue. This mineral (found in nuts, whole grains and legumes, among others) also helps to relax the muscles, thus eliminating the stiffness and muscle tension typical of people who suffer from stress or anxiety. It achieves all this thanks to the fact that it acts by reducing the hyperexcitability of nerve cells, in addition to participating in the synthesis of serotonin, the “happiness hormone”.

Your body does not store reserves of vitamin C, so you have to give it its dose every day.

Vitamins of group B

When your body is deficient in vitamin B, cognitive problems arise such as memory disorders, confusion and decreased concentration, and emotional problems such as irritability and depression. In fact, the set of B vitamins are very important for brain chemistry and mood:

  • The deficit of folic acid can cause, among other things, changes in mood. You find it in green leafy vegetables, nuts, and legumes.
  • The vitamin B6 is required to synthesize neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. It is found in legumes, nuts, fish, brown rice, and potatoes.
  • Lack of vitamin B12 affects the nervous system and the brain. It causes premature aging and favors the development of dementias associated with age. You find it in dairy, fish and meat. Also in certain fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals and energy bars.
  • The deficit of vitamin B1 is common in those who rely heavily on fast food and pastries. It causes inability to concentrate, irritability and depression. Foods rich in this vitamin are whole grains and legumes.
  • The vitamin B3 is necessary for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which promotes nerve impulses between neurons and helps to memorize. Fish, dairy products, pumpkin seeds, and legumes are good sources of vitamin B3.

Nutrients that increase anxiety to eat

Just as there are foods that should not be lacking in your diet so that your appetite remains under control and your mood is stable, there are others that have the opposite effect and cause hormonal responses that generate more appetite than they take away. Among the most prominent are all those rich in fat, sugar, sweetener and additives such as glutamate . In the image gallery we detail what you should avoid eating to reduce your anxiety levels.