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Naked horoscopes: discover what the Virgo child is like

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1. A calm baby

1. A calm baby

The newborn Virgo does not usually give many problems at first, he is a calm and relaxed baby.

2. Very expressive

2. Very expressive

Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, you will want to express yourself in a hurry, grimacing and gesturing a lot from an early age.

3. Impresivisible

3. Impresivisible

Calm and lazy at times and very active and lively at others, the Virgo baby already foreshadows how he will be when he grows up: an unpredictable person capable of both calming those around him and getting them out of their minds …

4. Picky eater

4. Picky eater

From a very young age, Virgo makes it clear what he likes and what he does not like. And it will not give its arm to twist when you try to strain something that it has decided not to eat …

5. Little conflictive

5. Little conflictive

Except in the matter of meals, Virgo will be a little conflictive child, not prone to tantrums and easy to carry.

6. Precocious to speak

6. Precocious to speak

Powered by Mercury, he is also likely to be precocious to speak and to speak fluently.

7. Half shy

7. Half shy

Another characteristic of the Virgo child is that he can be shy and quiet when there are many people, but with family and friends quite the opposite. It is more a matter of reserve and of not attracting attention than of pure shyness.

8. Lover of the background

8. Lover of the background

As they do not like to attract attention, they prefer to stay in the second line than fighting to monopolize all the flashes. But that does not mean that they are airtight or retracted. In the space in which they feel comfortable, they shine as much or more than others.

9. Very obedient

9. Very obedient

Like all children, Virgo does his mischief. But few like him are so obedient and disciplined when they get their attention.

10. Affectionate in moderation

10. Affectionate in moderation

It's not that he doesn't like displays of tenderness and affectionate gestures, in fact he loves them. It is a matter of measure. Excess can overwhelm you. The best: give him love little by little. Never suddenly.

11. Somewhat unsafe

11. Somewhat unsafe

Virgo finds it hard to believe that his modest and moderate personality can be as attractive as that of other more outgoing and theatrical children. So there is no need to save on praise and affectionate gestures that reinforce your self-esteem.

12. Adaptable

12. Adaptable

Another of the qualities that Mercury provides, a planet that also governs learning, is the ability to adapt. Virgo loves to learn and adapt to new situations.

13. Prudent

13. Prudent

However, it is not one of the bravest signs of the zodiac. Virgo likes to do things right, safely and with a safety net underneath in case he falls.

14. Question

14. Question

You can't help it. Their need to learn, do things right, and have everything under control makes Virgo an insatiable questioner. Can't stand uncertainty.

15. Responsible

15. Responsible

From a very young age, Virgo takes charge of all things and acts responsibly.

16. Somewhat susceptible

16. Somewhat susceptible

Because they can't stand doing things wrong, Virgo doesn't take criticism very well. And not because you don't accept them, but because they can affect you excessively. The best: tell him things, but without recreating so that he does not get confused.

17. Independent

17. Independent

Although he can be very sociable, Virgo does not depend on others to feel full. He is one of those who firmly believes in "better alone than in bad company" and does not take too well being harassed.

18. Meticulous

18. Meticulous

For Virgo, doing things well is not a duty, it is a pleasure that they face as an exciting challenge. Difficulties do not hold you back, quite the opposite: they stimulate you.

19. Criticion

19. Criticón

It is one of the collateral damages of your meticulousness. They see all the flaws and, on many occasions, they just drop it.

20. Perfectionist

20. Perfectionist

It is the most characteristic feature of Virgo and, at the same time, its greatest defect and its greatest virtue. His inclination to tirelessly improve things can cause him to get stuck in a loop that he doesn't even know how to get out of.

From August 23 to September 22 is the reign of Virgo, the sign ruled by Mercury and represented by the virgin. If you are expecting a baby at this time, or you already have a child of this sign, and you want to know everything about it according to the stars, take note.

In the gallery of images and under these lines, we tell you all the keys to know what the Virgo child is like, and learn to relate to him in the best possible way.

Expressive and very communicative

The Virgo baby can be both calm and very laid back and active and super rambunctious. But it will rarely give you really big problems. His mental agility, his good conformation and his taste for order, will make him always willing to learn and follow the marked path.

The influx of Mercury, the planet of communication, will make you want to express yourself in a hurry, making faces and gesticulating a lot from an early age. And he is also likely to be precocious to speak and to speak fluently.

Since he was little, he makes it clear what he likes and what he doesn't

Its weak point will be the meals. From an early age, the Virgo child will make it clear to you what he likes and what he doesn't. And he will not give his arm to twist when you try to strain him a food that he has decided not to eat … Circumstance that when they grow up turns them into somewhat maniacal and picky eaters.

Little conflictive and obedient

But except for the issue of food, the Virgo child is usually a charm, little conflict and not fond of tantrums. Just as it does not take long to bring out his tendency to neatness and order, storing and taking care of his toys without anyone imposing it on him.

Although it is true that from the beginning he can be shy and quiet. It is only half so. When there are a lot of people or strangers, he takes a back seat and lets others get all the attention. With family and friends, on the other hand, he will seem like another person: outgoing and very talkative.

He may seem shy at first, but he's only half shy

Always ready to learn, he will be happy to imitate the things that older people do and follow their dictates. The Virgo child usually obeys the first and without having to scold him over and over again.

For this reason, it is quite likely that in school he will end up becoming the right hand of teachers. Discipline is easy for him to accept, he takes it as a challenge rather than a duty, and is always ready to help his superiors.

Independent and very perfectionist

However, one must be careful not to promote their tendency to insecurity. The Virgo child is such a perfectionist that if you are excessively harsh with him, he will enter a self-indulgent loop.

The best thing is to tell him things but without enjoying them and, above all, to motivate him by telling him everything he does well. Virgo finds it hard to believe that his modest and moderate personality can be as attractive as that of other more outgoing and theatrical children. So there is no need to save on praise and affectionate gestures that reinforce your self-esteem.

Highlighting what you do well helps boost your self-esteem

Plus, get ready to answer endless questions. Virgo wants to know the why of things. You will never settle for just one thing. He does not do it to annoy. You simply need to know everything and have it under control to feel safe.

In return, the Virgo teenager will be much more responsible and independent than the others. Very perfectionist and somewhat critical, yes, but loyal and trustworthy.

The keys to getting her to her full potential are to give her space and give her a lot of love, but gradually … It's not that she doesn't like displays of tenderness and affectionate gestures, in fact she loves them. What happens is that they are so self-controlled that excess can overwhelm them.