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Healthy, delicious and filling breakfasts without bread

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Breakfasts usually have a protagonist: bread. The nutritionist and CLARA collaborator Carlos Ríos warns that even if you choose whole wheat bread, which is healthier than refined, you should eat it in moderation. "The problem is that, when we eat too much bread, we are not eating real protective foods, such as fruit, vegetables or nuts, " he explains.

It is true that it is an easy and fast option to prepare your breakfast, but try that bread is not the absolute protagonist every day.  Reserve it for a couple of days, and accompany it with slices of fruit or vegetables, legume patés or homemade vegetables, tuna, fresh cheese or Iberian ham. And for the other days, you can have breakfast without bread. To make your task easier, we give you 10 ideas for easy, delicious and filling breakfast with bread.

Breakfasts usually have a protagonist: bread. The nutritionist and CLARA collaborator Carlos Ríos warns that even if you choose whole wheat bread, which is healthier than refined, you should eat it in moderation. "The problem is that, when we eat too much bread, we are not eating real protective foods, such as fruit, vegetables or nuts, " he explains.

It is true that it is an easy and fast option to prepare your breakfast, but try that bread is not the absolute protagonist every day.  Reserve it for a couple of days, and accompany it with slices of fruit or vegetables, legume patés or homemade vegetables, tuna, fresh cheese or Iberian ham. And for the other days, you can have breakfast without bread. To make your task easier, we give you 10 ideas for easy, delicious and filling breakfast with bread.

Chia pudding with fruit

Chia pudding with fruit

Another star of satisfying breadless breakfasts are chia seeds. In addition to filling a lot, they are rich in fiber, which "drags" fat, and omega 3, which is related to having a lower body fat index, which is why they are one of the best foods to burn fat as well as to fight constipation.

  • To make the pudding, we mix 250 ml of milk with two tablespoons of chia, let it sit for an hour, and then add pieces of fruit. In this case, raw pear and pistachios.

Boiled egg with tomato and asparagus

Boiled egg with tomato and asparagus

It is not surprising that in many countries the egg is one of the essential breakfast foods because, in addition to being very nutritious, it is one of the satiating foods par excellence. This is how you start the day with a fully charged battery. And as cooked they do not contribute more than 70-80 kcal / unit, also they do not fatten almost anything (discover here how many eggs you can eat on a diet).

  • If you want to multiply its satiating power, you can make a breakfast without bread based on boiled or soft-boiled egg, cherry tomatoes and asparagus, which are also very light and satiating, and are considered one of the foods to live longer and better because its vitamins and nutrients help the formation of antibodies and red blood cells, and have an important antioxidant power.

Oatmeal porridge with banana and strawberries

Oatmeal porridge with banana and strawberries

Oatmeal porridge is another of the oatmeal breakfasts that can suit you if you are looking for breakfasts without bread that are very satiating.

  • You just have to have the foresight to make the porridge the night before (discover here how to make an oatmeal porridge step by step) and, at breakfast time, combine it with fresh fruit: half a banana (another of the most satisfying foods), a couple of strawberries … And sweeten with cinnamon, which is one of the fat burning spices that helps you speed up your metabolism and lose weight.

Avocado stuffed with egg and turkey cubes

Avocado stuffed with egg and turkey cubes

Another very filling breakfast without bread is the avocado stuffed with egg, since it combines the egg with another food that is very filling: the avocado, a food that, although it is quite caloric, is proven to help you lose weight because it is so filling that it reduces by a 40% the desire to snack in the next 3-5 hours.

  • To do this, lightly brown the turkey tacos. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Enlarge the hole by removing some of the pulp and reserve it for another dish. Then, place the avocado in an ovenproof dish with a coarse salt base so that it does not tip over. Crack an egg in the hole, distribute the turkey and mozzarella cubes on top, and bake at 180º for 12-15 min (until the egg is set). It's so forceful that it could even serve you as a quick dinner.

Yogurt with fruit

Yogurt with fruit

Another classic of satisfying breadless breakfasts is to mix whole yogurt, which is very filling, with fresh fruit, jam or compote (better if they are homemade so they do not have excess sugar and other additives). Although whole yogurt has been demonized for years, a review published in the European Jounal of Nutrition found that taking whole yogurts helped weight loss more than taking them skimmed, probably because their fat contributes to satiety; apart from the fact that skimmed yogurt is one of those processed foods that should not be abused.

  • Here we have combined it with some strawberries with a little orange juice and honey.

Oat pancakes with hummus and salmon

Oat pancakes with hummus and salmon

If you are looking for a filling without bread breakfasts, oatmeal is one of your best friends. And it is that among the properties of oats, its richness in proteins, fiber and hydrates of slow absorption stands out, which make it very nutritious and satiating.

  • You can make some oatmeal pancakes (here's the recipe), for example, and combine them with sweet or savory foods. Here we have spread them with hummus and we have added smoked salmon on top, two accompaniments that make them much more nutritious and satisfying.

Sweet potato toast

Sweet potato toast

If you want to try new flavor combinations, you will surely like these sweet potato tostadas.

  • Cut the sweet potato into slices and run them through the toaster a couple of times, until you see that it is done inside. Top with banana peanut butter, blueberry chocolate spread, or cream cheese with homemade unsweetened raspberry jam.

Recipe and photo from Family Food on the Table

Avocado with fresh cheese and tomato

Avocado with fresh cheese and tomato

Another of the recipes with avocado that could be adopted as a breakfast without bread that is very satiating is the combination of avocado, fresh cheese and raw tomato. Cheese, being rich in protein, is very filling and, being fresh, has fewer calories than other cheeses (find out how many calories your favorite cheese has here).

  • Fresh mozzarella is used in the original recipe, but if you opt for fresh cheese or even cottage cheese (considered the best dairy to lose weight), it will be just as filling but much lighter.

Omelette with compote

Omelette with compote

You can also make a finite French omelette and fill it with sweet foods, like this one with homemade compote and wild strawberries, or savory, like ham and cheese, for example. In omelette, eggs provide about 96 kcal / unit.

  • If you are going to make them sweet, do not add salt to the beaten egg and, both to these and to the salty ones, you can add milk to the beaten egg.

Scrambled eggs with ham, mushrooms and asparagus

Scrambled eggs with ham, mushrooms and asparagus

Another very satisfying proposal for breakfasts without bread is a scrambled egg, ham, asparagus and mushrooms. The sum of foods rich in protein with others rich in fiber makes this dish very nutritious and filling. Studies have shown that mushrooms have a long satiating effect, making them an ideal ingredient to control hunger. The reason is that it contains, like all mushrooms, a large amount of fiber (cellulose), and to this is added its low caloric intake (15 kcal per 100 g).

  • Sauté some mushrooms along with some asparagus tips. Add some ham tacos. Saute a little more. Add beaten egg and stir until set.