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Depression: what to do when sadness eats us

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In Spain, depression affects more than two million people, according to the WHO. It is easy for you to experience it closely, so it is important to know its causes and the tools that make us emotionally stronger. It is a serious mental illness and is the leading cause of disability in the world and the psychiatric disorder most frequently associated with suicide.

More and more cases of depression are being diagnosed and the cause does not seem to be clear. Although Víctor Pérez Solá, psychiatrist at the Hospital del Mar de Barcelona- CIBERSAM, points out that a very important factor may be the excessive expectations we have about our life, in which we tend to believe that everything is continually improving.

Rafael Santandreu, psychologist, author of the book Nothing is so terrible and Clara's collaborator, says that in the welfare society it is very normal to go through a time of depression: it tells us that life asks us to grow. Of course, to get out of a depression it takes effort; there are no miracle techniques. The psychologist Jesús Matos defines depression in his book Good morning, joy as a state in which sadness is too intense, too frequent or lasts too long. How much is too much? When it influences your life.

Symptoms of depression

Patients with severe depression experience continuous suffering that prevents them from enjoying life and functioning normally. Symptoms include depressed mood, sadness, inability to concentrate, abnormal sleeping and eating patterns, feelings of guilt and thoughts of suicide, and inability to experience feelings of pleasure. In severe cases, patients experience continuous suffering that prevents them from enjoying life and functioning normally.

  1. Low mood
  2. Inability to enjoy what was previously enjoyed
  3. Sadness that does not pass
  4. Difficult to focus
  5. Irritability
  6. Sleep changes: sleeping a lot or little
  7. Loss of appetite or compulsive urge to eat
  8. Feelings of guilt
  9. Thinking about death habitually

Causes of depression

The clinical psychologist Miguel Ángel Rizaldos points out that depression is a problem that is largely based on learned behaviors. "It is rarely caused by a biological problem," he explains. When we have depression we experience negative thoughts and vision of ourselves, the environment and the future. Bad things can happen to all of us, so the important thing is to work on our emotions so that we are able to deal with these problems.

Being depressed does not mean simply being stressed or sad

Depression is not a sign of weakness, nor is it a personal choice. Over the past few years, WHO has launched several campaigns aimed at raising awareness of depression and "speaking out"; that is, to encourage people to talk about these diseases. Talking about depression is a vital component of healing.

Experts agree that there is a lack of awareness about the seriousness of this disease. Depression is still associated with sadness, grief, melancholy or depression and this belittles the seriousness. Depression is a mental disorder that requires more knowledge on the part of society in order to better understand what a patient and their closest environment may be going through. The program about depression that Salvados aired on La Sexta a couple of years ago can help you start to familiarize yourself with the subject.

Depression and suicide

  • 60% of suicides occur in patients diagnosed with depression.
  • 15-20% of patients diagnosed with depression end their life by committing suicide.
  • In 2018, more than 3,000 people died by suicide in Spain, a rate that doubles that of traffic accidents and is 13 times higher than that of homicides.
  • Suicide is the leading cause of death in young people ages 15 to 29.
  • According to the WHO, suicide constitutes a serious public health problem.
  • In our country, 40-50% of psychiatric emergencies correspond to suicide attempts.

The psychiatrist Víctor Pérez Solá emphasizes the importance of not underestimating the suffering of someone who is depressed or sad. If a family member, friend, or acquaintance tells you that they can't handle their life anymore, listen to them and make sure they seek help.

Depression: treatment

"As if we have a physical problem we go to the doctor, when we have emotional discomfort we have to go to the psychologist or psychiatrist," explains Rizaldos. “The psychological treatment of depression - with therapy - has proven to be as effective as treatment with pills, but it prevents relapses. The important thing is that you always follow the instructions of the health professional who is treating you, ”adds Matos.

Depression is one of the leading causes of DISABILITY worldwide.

Habits that prevent depression

We spoke with Víctor Pérez Solá, psychiatrist at the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona- CIBERSAM, about the keys to overcoming depression or prolonged sadness.

  1. Get involved. The social factor is the most important. Having a trusted group that you can talk to eases the mind. If there is no one to make plans with, go to a website that puts you in contact with people in your area to meet and do activities together.
  2. Beware. Eat well, get enough sleep, and play sports. Remember that you do not have to think about maximums, you can start trying to eat more vegetables and whole grains, sleeping what you need and going for a walk a little bit a day.
  3. Learn about your emotions. Knowing yourself better will help you deal with potential problems. There is a lot of information on depression on the internet, but you have to look for reliable sources. We recommend, where you can find a medical test that will guide you on your emotional state. There are many resources for you to read and better understand what is happening to you.
  4. Calm your mind. Various studies have found that mindfulness is a good technique to avoid overloading yourself with everyday problems. In, you will find articles to learn how to practice it easily.
  5. Do enjoyable activities. Try to do things that require creativity or constant learning, so you won't get bored and every day will be different.

How do I choose a psychologist or psychiatrist?

In public health there are few options to be treated by a clinical psychologist. The best thing is to research online which clinical psychologists or psychiatrists you have close to home and see if they usually treat cases similar to yours. Talk to the 4 or 5 that best fit you to decide. There are different types of psychological currents, the most common and effective is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Keep in mind that there are more and more psychologists who also offer their services online.

What does help someone who is having a hard time

  • Empathize. Ask if he's okay, listen to him, and offer your shoulder to cry.
  • Don't give solutions. You are not a psychologist and your reality is not his. Listen without judging and without falling into the "cheer up, everything will pass."
  • Offer practical help. With the housework or bringing him some tuppers of delicious and healthy food, for example.
  • Remember that you are there. Send a quick WhatsApp with a funny or nice message so that he knows that you think of him or her.
  • Personal detail. If you hang out, bring her flowers, a book or some cake that you have prepared yourself.
  • Specific plans. Don't say, "If you need something, tell me." Better propose something concrete like: "Do you want to have coffee together tomorrow?"