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They criticize rosalía for wearing a fur coat

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The last three photos of Rosalía have not received the compliments to which the artist is used. The singer has shown her followers the same jacket but in three different colors. The problem is that the garments in question … seem to be made from lambskin!

They criticize Rosalía's latest posts on Instagram

It is a coat from the Danish firm Saks Potts , a brand that big names like Gigi Hadid, Cardi B and Beyoncé have already bet on.

"Horrible that you wear a fur coat, when there are a lot of options to follow fashion without killing or torturing animals. You have fallen off the pedestal. You should see how they do them to raise awareness a little", "How horrible! I thought that we were over this but no. People continue to wear animal fur after so much information. How sad! " someone to admire "were just some of the comments that we can read on Rosalía's profile.

Instagram: @ rosalia.vt

It should be noted that a few months ago Chiara Ferragni also showed an identical coat on her Instagram profile, including the color.

And so the artist does not stop surprising us (and being a trending topic). Last week he sang for the first time in Catalan and published (by surprise, of course) two songs, Dio $ No $ libre del money and Milionària . Her theme has generated controversy in networks, especially due to the spelling 'error': the singer sings the word 'birthday' when the correct word would be 'anniversary'. Ah! And the word 'bottles' would not be entirely correct either.