Ventilar bien toda la casa
Ventilar bien toda la casa
Como la principal vía de propagación del coronavirus es el aire, hay que "asegurarse que las habitaciones de la casa estén bien ventiladas (5 minutos al día como mínimo)". Es la primera de las medidas higiénicas para la prevención de contagios de la covid-19 en el domicilio recomendadas por el Ministerio de Sanidad. Y más ahora que entramos y salimos de casa más a menudo y podemos llevar el virus de un lado a otro. Además de reducir el riesgo de infección, según los expertos, ventilar frecuentemente una habitación (de 5 a 10 minutos y más de una vez al día) mejora la calidad del aire doméstico y evita que las membranas mucosas de la boca y la nariz se resequen.
- Cómo hacerlo. Para una renovación del aire más rápida eficaz y rápida, se aconseja la ventilación cruzada. Es decir, abrir ventanas que se encuentren en lugares opuestos de la casa para producir una corriente interior que facilite la circulación y renovación del aire.
Limpiar las superficies de contacto frecuente
Limpiar las superficies de contacto frecuente
También se recomienda limpiar y desinfectar a diario las superficies que tocamos constantemente para plantar cara al coronavirus con la limpieza de casa. Fue una de las recomendaciones que la Organización Mundial de la Salud emitió para que los ciudadanos se protejan del coronavirus al principio de la pandemia. Y ahora se ha convertido en algo esencial porque, al salir de casa, estamos más expuestos a un posible contagio. Hay que prestar especial atención a todas las superficies que estén en contacto con las manos: desde los pomos, los tiradores y las cerraduras de puertas, armarios y cajones hasta las griferías de baño y cocina, pasando por todas las superficies que tocamos frecuentemente.
- Cómo hacerlo. "Lo primero que se debe hacer es limpiarla con jabón o con detergente y agua. A continuación se debe usar un producto desinfectante que contenga alcohol (aproximadamente un 70%) o lejía. No es recomendable usar vinagre u otros productos naturales", dice Unicef en sus consejos de limpieza e higiene para mantener la covid-19 fuera de tu hogar.
Limpiar objetos de uso personal
Limpiar objetos de uso personal
Otro de los puntos que hay que limpiar a diario o controlar son los objetos de uso personal que llevamos en nuestras salidas fuera de casa: móviles, gafas, carteras, bolsos, tarjetas…
- How to do it. One of the tricks they propose is to 'confine' these objects to a point at the entrance of the house, wash your hands and not touch it again until you leave again. And those that we have to continue using, such as the mobile phone, we can disinfect, as long as the material allows it, with a clean cloth with a hydroalcoholic solution or with alcohol diluted in water: 7 parts of alcohol with 3 parts of water. No need to clarify.
Find out here how to disinfect objects of recurring use such as mobile phones and avoid coronavirus.
Washing street clothes
Washing street clothes
Like the objects that enter and leave the house, we must pay special attention to the clothes we wear to go out. According to the experts, we must take off our shoes at the entrance avoiding walking with them around the house and also change clothes. To reduce the risk to the maximum, experts recommend cleaning the clothes we have worn after each outing or 'confining' them, as we do with some personal items that cannot be cleaned.
- How to do it. Clothes should not be shaken to avoid spreading possible viruses that may have been caught. You have to put it directly in the washing machine or an airtight bag until you are ready to wash it, preferably with hot water and let it dry completely.
Taking a bath in the bathroom
Taking a bath in the bathroom
It is also advisable to clean or give a daily check to the bathroom, especially the sink and taps (which are frequent contact surfaces), as well as the toilet. And although it is not considered mandatory, it is recommended to change the towels frequently, or to use disposable paper towels or, to be more respectful of the environment, to have a different hand towel for each member of the family.
- How to do it. Faucets, sink and toilet can be cleaned and disinfected like frequent contact surfaces. And if you want to find out how to keep your toilet brush clean and mold-free, you have it here.
Clean kitchen surfaces
Clean kitchen surfaces
As in the case of the bathroom, we must not forget the contact surfaces in the kitchen, both those that we touch with our hands and those that we use to leave the groceries, or the sink, the scouring pads and the kitchen towels ( that are part of the dirtiest places in the home and are things in your house that you would have to clean every day with both coronavirus and without it because that is where more germs accumulate).
- How to do it. Clean the counter with a disinfectant or bleach diluted in water. If you have it, it is better to use the dishwasher than to wash by hand, and with the program with the highest temperature. And you have to wash the rags and scourers in hot water.
Disinfect what you have bought
Disinfect what you have bought
Although there is a lot of controversy about the survival of the coronavirus on objects, if you want to be strict, you should also clean and disinfect everything you buy and put in the house, or 'confine' it as certain objects or articles of clothing, that is, do not touch them for at least a couple of days to make sure the virus is no longer potentially contagious.
How to do it according to Unicef
- Remove all unnecessary containers and dispose of them in a garbage can with a lid.
- Take the food you have ordered out of the containers and place them on a clean plate; then discard the containers.
- Clean canned goods with a disinfectant before opening or storing them.
- Wash unwrapped items, such as fruits and vegetables, thoroughly under running water.
- Wash your hands right after with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub.
How to clean properly
How to clean properly
And do not forget to do all these tasks following the recommendations of the authorities. According to the Ministry of Health, this is done.
Recommended protocols
- From less to more and from top to bottom. It cleans from the least dirty areas to the dirtiest areas and from the highest areas of the rooms to the lowest areas.
- Clean first, then disinfect. First of all, it is necessary to clean, otherwise disinfection is not effective. Subsequently, it disinfects the surfaces, mainly those with frequent contact and the bathroom.
- Suitable products. You should never mix cleaning products because it can be very harmful to health. It is recommended to use approved disinfectant products or bleach diluted in water and use it the same day of preparation. Take note of the top three mistakes we make when disinfecting with bleach.
- Specific utensils. Use different cloths to clean and disinfect. And at the end, wash the utensils used well and let them dry well.
- The ideal outfit. If possible, clean with gloves and clothing intended for cleaning. And, when finished, wash your hands well and change your clothes.