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Tips to combat swollen legs

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The days of quarantine, the gradual unconfinement and now the intense heat of summer may have affected the health of our legs. Dr. Enric Roche, director of the Barcelona Vascular Clinic, helps us take an X-ray of the situation and see what we can do to have those legs that we all want.

Why do my legs swell?

Our legs are made for us to move, to walk, run, bike, skate … Therefore, inactivity has a double effect, muscular and circulatory.

  • At the muscular level, "if there is a lot of immobility and little physical exercise, the muscle mass can be reduced", says Dr. Roche.
  • At the vascular (circulatory) level, "the reduction in activity reduces the venous pump effect of the sole of the foot and the mass of the twins, and this can lead to edema or fluid retention".

Consequences of inactivity

In addition to influencing the appearance of the legs, it is easier to have varicose veins problems than swelling or heaviness, although it will depend on each case, because we do not all start from the same situation.

Dr. Roche considers that "in a confinement at home where the person can move and take short walks, no vascular problems need to appear", on the other hand, if venous insufficiency is already suffered, some symptoms may worsen.

  • Varicose veins can get worse. "They do not have to appear in inactivity situations, but those who already have varicose veins can see their situation worsened." And it is that inactivity and, specifically, being seated for a long time, "does not promote venous return and, especially in cases of people who already suffer from varicose veins, it can worsen their condition and promote inflammation, swelling or phlebitis phenomena."
  • There may be less heaviness and swelling. These two annoying sensations in the legs are more frequent when we spend a long time standing without moving, but, as Dr. Roche explains, during confinement it has been more frequent that we are sitting and that we have put our feet on a table, chair, etc., which by raising them, has helped to decongest the legs.

Why do our legs hurt when we move?

But these discomforts do not have to be related to vascular problems, they are only due to lack of exercise. As the doctor explains, "it is more common to notice fatigue and the appearance of stiffness after activity than not heaviness itself", moreover, as he adds, "walking relieves the feeling of heaviness in the legs."

What if we are confined again?

Of course, what you have to do is take advantage of the moments when we are allowed to go out for a walk or exercise outdoors with the protection conditions that have been set. On the other hand, keep a good activity also indoors. Let's see all the keys to combat swollen legs.

The days of quarantine, the gradual unconfinement and now the intense heat of summer may have affected the health of our legs. Dr. Enric Roche, director of the Barcelona Vascular Clinic, helps us take an X-ray of the situation and see what we can do to have those legs that we all want.

Why do my legs swell?

Our legs are made for us to move, to walk, run, bike, skate … Therefore, inactivity has a double effect, muscular and circulatory.

  • At the muscular level, "if there is a lot of immobility and little physical exercise, the muscle mass can be reduced", says Dr. Roche.
  • At the vascular (circulatory) level, "the reduction in activity reduces the venous pump effect of the sole of the foot and the mass of the twins, and this can lead to edema or fluid retention".

Consequences of inactivity

In addition to influencing the appearance of the legs, it is easier to have varicose veins problems than swelling or heaviness, although it will depend on each case, because we do not all start from the same situation.

Dr. Roche considers that "in a confinement at home where the person can move and take short walks, no vascular problems need to appear", on the other hand, if venous insufficiency is already suffered, some symptoms may worsen.

  • Varicose veins can get worse. "They do not have to appear in inactivity situations, but those who already have varicose veins can see their situation worsened." And it is that inactivity and, specifically, being seated for a long time, "does not promote venous return and, especially in cases of people who already suffer from varicose veins, it can worsen their condition and promote inflammation, swelling or phlebitis phenomena."
  • There may be less heaviness and swelling. These two annoying sensations in the legs are more frequent when we spend a long time standing without moving, but, as Dr. Roche explains, during confinement it has been more frequent that we are sitting and that we have put our feet on a table, chair, etc., which by raising them, has helped to decongest the legs.

Why do our legs hurt when we move?

But these discomforts do not have to be related to vascular problems, they are only due to lack of exercise. As the doctor explains, "it is more common to notice fatigue and the appearance of stiffness after activity than not heaviness itself", moreover, as he adds, "walking relieves the feeling of heaviness in the legs."

What if we are confined again?

Of course, what you have to do is take advantage of the moments when we are allowed to go out for a walk or exercise outdoors with the protection conditions that have been set. On the other hand, keep a good activity also indoors. Let's see all the keys to combat swollen legs.

Self-massage for light legs

Self-massage for light legs

Massage yourself twice a day with a cream for cellulite or tired legs, depending on your problem:

  • Duration . About 5 minutes per leg.
  • How to do it. Combine upward glides with the whole hand, with others like kneading (but done with an open hand, without the fingers digging into the leg).
  • More comfortable . Help yourself with a household electric massager.

At the end of the article you will find creams that can come in handy.

Exercises to relieve swollen legs

Exercises to relieve swollen legs

The ideal is to do a minimum of physical exercise of at least 30-45 minutes a day, which you can even divide into sessions of 20 minutes in the morning and 20 in the afternoon; or if you prefer, take a 45 minute class.

  • Walk on tiptoe. Performing toe-heel exercises activates the set of calf muscles to help the heart circulate blood. It is "a good stretching exercise, but it should be progressive."
  • Dance. It is highly recommended because you can move a lot and, in addition, "it contributes in a special way to improve your mood.
  • Cycling while lying on your back and raising your legs. It is a very good exercise "both to strengthen the legs and the abs."
  • Stretching. Doing stretching sessions is also highly recommended to stimulate circulation and avoid discomfort in the legs. You can find information at and also follow the routines of Patry Jordán through its usual channels, for example.
  • Follow cardio routines. If you have more desire to move, follow one of these routines, but it is better if it is low impact cardio if there are already circulatory problems and "adjusting the exercise to each level, individually"

Does footwear influence to have swollen legs?

Does footwear influence to have swollen legs?

You can be at home in sneakers, sneakers … even barefoot. As Dr. Roche explains, wearing sneakers all day "is not particularly bad, but I advise trying to wear comfortable but complete shoes", because the most important thing is "to facilitate a correct footprint". It is also not a bad thing to go barefoot or exercise barefoot as long as there are "no foot defects (flat foot, varus foot, etc.) that can cause discomfort depending on the exercise".

Being overweight affects the appearance and health of the legs

Being overweight affects the appearance and health of the legs

We must confess that in the quarantine we have given ourselves more tributes than usual and who else has added a few pounds the least. As the specialist points out, this is bad for the circulation of the legs because “being overweight translates into an increase in body fat, which leads to a greater load on the extremities. And if you suffer from venous insufficiency, it will be more aggravated ”so we have to return to our usual weight to stop having swollen legs.

What should we improve in our diet

What should we improve in our diet

To relieve leg swelling, the ideal is to follow a diet such as the Mediterranean, rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains, which helps to lose weight and, due to the amount of fiber it provides, helps fight constipation, one of the aggravating factors of venous insufficiency.

In addition, we must reduce the salt content of our dishes, since the sodium it contains promotes fluid retention. Moderate a lot the consumption of sausages, smoked meats, pickles, soups, broths and prepared creams, aged cheeses, pizzas, sliced ​​breads, sauces, processed meats … and increase the consumption of foods rich in potassium, because there are studies, such as a Canadian one published in the scientific journal The Lancet , who claim that it is more effective in preventing fluid retention. The foods richest in this mineral are legumes, powdered milk, nuts and dried fruit, parsley, avocado and mushrooms, among others.


€ 9.02

Softer legs

Keeping your legs hydrated is the first step in making them look prettier. A light lotion like this hydrating milk with aloe vera and avocado oil from ATLANTIA.


€ 72.45

Cold effect cream

Always try to alternate times of standing with others sitting. In the case of people with venous insufficiency problems, in addition to this alternation, Dr. Roche recommends “wearing compression stockings or socks and performing specific exercises to mobilize the feet and legs, to minimize the risks of ending up generating problems of thrombophlebitis or thrombosis". To decongest the legs, nothing like giving that massage we were talking about with a cream with a cold effect. This is Essentiel Shock Intense Cryo-Gel by Natura Bissé.


€ 42.57

Firming cream

Firming creams can be effective when combined with a proper exercise routine. We like this one because it contains pure caffeine and silicon. It's Payot's 3-in-1 Gelée Minceur

Cream with color

Cream with color

Just as we use makeup on the face, we can also use it on the legs to cover imperfections such as marked veins or varicose veins. We like the Body Bronzing from
+ Farma Dorsch, € 39.


€ 31.90

Anti-cellulite cream

Do anti-cellulite creams work? They are a good complement to a healthy diet, exercise and body massage. This is Elancyl's Slim Massage Anti-Cellulite Gel Concentrate.


€ 2.50

Cream to relax the legs

If you notice your legs swollen from the heat, when you shower, finish by spraying your legs with cool water and finish off the play by giving yourself a good massage with an arnica cream that improves the appearance of the skin in the area.