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How to dress low cost without being noticed: fashion tricks

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Having a wardrobe full of luxurious clothes is within the reach of very few, but learning low cost and combining the pieces with success is something that we can all learn. Read this article and start dressing like you are wearing signature clothing.

Having a wardrobe full of luxurious clothes is within the reach of very few, but learning low cost and combining the pieces with success is something that we can all learn. Read this article and start dressing like you are wearing signature clothing.

Good iron

Good iron

A low cost white cotton shirt differs not so much from a more expensive one in the type of fabric but in the quality of the finish. To fix it, before launching it, give it a good ironing, insisting on the collar, cuffs and lapel … You'll see how it looks more expensive.

Tailor shop

Tailor shop

The male female mix is ​​an attractive and very premium mix. There is no easier way to raise the cachet of a simple low cost dress like with a classic blazer on the shoulders. Lookazo!

If you want to learn other tricks that influencers use to take advantage of their blazer, read this!

Bet on mate

Bet on mate

When a fabric is cheap, it avoids shine, in matte fabrics it is more difficult to identify its low quality. This rule does not apply to sequins, expensive ones look exactly the same as cheap ones.

Always black

Always black

If there is a color that conceals the lack of quality of a garment, it is black, being so dark it hides any manufacturing fault. With what you have to be very careful is with the ironing, always put a cloth over the garment so that the iron does not create anti-aesthetic shine in the seams.



That a low cost blazer does not have the perfect cut of a signature one? Buy it several large sizes and join oversize fashion. By not having to perfectly adjust to your shapes, you don't notice if the structure of the jacket is a little worse. Find out how to wear the oversize jacket to make it flatter you.

Mix of textures

Mix of textures

If you want your look to look more elaborate and luxurious, play with the contrasts of fabrics. Mixing a fur sweater with cloth pants and satin shoes further enriches the style and gives a feeling of luxury even if the garments are not very expensive.

Neck up!

Neck up!

Giving an elegant gesture to a simple garment sometimes transforms it. Try an easy gesture like lifting the collar of your garment to give it a more sophisticated look.

Well married

Well married

When buying a striped garment, make sure that the lines at the seams are perfectly aligned so that the piece does not reveal a cheap construction.

Knot it

Knot it

You can hide that a shirt doesn't fit perfectly by rolling it up and tying a knot in the front. The natural wrinkles that are created in the fabric will hide greater evils. If you don't know which shirt suits you according to your body type, take a look here!

Wide belt

Wide belt

Clothes that fit well to your body and that seem tailored to you, look more expensive. If they do not fit well, try a nice belt, the garment will gain in style.

Camouflage with style

Camouflage with style

Your shirt has a neckline that is not too pretty? Cover it with a Parisian-style knotted handkerchief, while hiding the defect you will add a chic touch to your outfit.

If you want to see how influencers wear the scarf, take note of this great tip!

Also in the bag!

Also in the bag!

The handles of low cost bags are the first thing that wears out due to use. To hide it, you can cover them with a cute scarf and voilà !, problem solved.

If you want to learn other tricks to choose your low-cost bag, don't miss this video.

In good state

In good state

Do not extend the life of your low cost garments beyond their best version. A cheap sweater can be a hit as long as it is new, but the one that is deformed or pits will lose all its charm. To make them last longer, wash them by hand, wring them out by rolling them up in a towel and draping them along the side seams of the bottom elastic so that they do not deform. Wool "razors" are also a good resource to extend its life.

Upgrade accessories

Upgrade accessories

If you wear an inexpensive garment with a good accessory, you will change the mood in a moment. A purse under the arm and heels that flatter your figure are the perfect allies.

If you want your wardrobe to be worthy of an influencer but you don't want to burn your credit card in the attempt, we propose a series of tricks and tricks so that simple low cost garments are magically converted into more premium pieces. Take note!

  • Good iron. The expensive ready-made garments have a much more rigorous and perfect ironing than that of a cheaper series production, so if you want a cheap white shirt to appear more expensive, waste time at home ironing all its seams, cuffs, lapels well. ..You will see that I change!
  • Tailor shop. If you wear a simple dress and you want to give it a more sophisticated air, a good idea is to put a jacket on the shoulders to cover the finishes of the garment a bit, also the masculine-feminine mix always works.
  • Matte garments. Noble fabrics such as cotton, linen or alpaca do not shine, so if you choose inexpensive matte fabrics, it will be easier for them to hit the mark than others with a shiny aspect and that we associate more with cheaper materials such as polyester.
  • Always black. It is the color that best conceals the real quality of the garment. Its darkness is an ally for any garment, the only thing you have to be careful is not to shine the seams when ironing it, so that it does not happen to you, put a thin cotton cloth between the garment and the iron.
  • Oversize. Clothes that are worn loosely and casually hide better that the cut is not perfect. It is almost impossible for you to find a fitted jacket that seems tailored for you in a low cost store, however if you want to follow the fashion of oversized jackets you will easily achieve that effect with an inexpensive garment. We tell you how to wear the oversize with style.
  • Textures If your look looks richer in nuances and textures, it will appear more luxurious. Look at the catwalks and you will see that the designers base their proposals in addition to the cuts and workings in the mix of fabrics, so if you want your outfits to remind you of fashion proposals, try to mix various types of finishes in the components of your look .. You will be right!
  • Neck up. A gesture that will automatically give more sophistication and a "luxury look" to a garment. Raise the collar of your jacket, raincoat, shirt … You will see that the result is elegant and flattering.
  • Tie it up. If your shirt looks a bit cheap, one way to camouflage the low cost air is to wear it knotted and with the sleeves rolled up so that the real finishes of the garment are blurred between the natural folds that are created in the shirt when tying it.
  • Well married. It is important that the stripes of your low cost garments are always aligned on the side and sleeve seams, since if they do not match they can reveal poor quality clothing.
  • Wide belt. A garment that adapts well to your body gives a more sensation of tailor - made , to achieve that effect in a garment made in series, nothing like a wide belt that fits perfectly to your silhouette.
  • Scarves that camouflage. If the neckline of your shirt does not have a perfect finish, try to tie a handkerchief around your neck and with that single gesture you will camouflage it and also give it a chic touch . This trick also serves to disguise the worn handle of a small bag.
  • In good state. An essential rule so that it is not noticed that a garment is low cost is to keep it in good condition and know how to get rid of it when they are worn.
  • Accessories that make a difference. Accessories are the key to giving your look more category. Elegant pieces such as a clutch or high-heeled shoes are the key to giving your outfit more style and luxury.