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Healthy mattresses: the key to a good rest for your health

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We care about maintaining a healthy and balanced life, in which our body and mind are in harmony . We eat well and play sports, we like to be flirtatious, follow trends and be up to date in everything. But what about rest? Ahem. Do we give it the attention it deserves? Not always and, girls, sleeping well is essential.

Sleep deprivation makes it difficult to learn and perform tasks, without forgetting how it affects us physically, our eyes, our skin, hair, weight … And our attitude towards life, in short.

So this time we want to talk to you about a necessary and fundamental purchase to feel much better and that everything flows thanks to an optimal rest: that of a new mattress. And we have informed ourselves with true experts in the field so as not to make the mistake of making a purchase that does not deliver what it promises.

"We spend a third of our lives sleeping, reason enough for the choice of our mattress to be appropriate", tell CLARA from Maxcolchon, specialists in healthy mattresses and a manufacturer of rest products for more than 15 years. Let's go point by point that the subject has crumbs and it could not be more interesting. Word.


We must look for a mattress that takes care of our back, that adapts to our body and has the perfect texture and consistency to provide adequate rest, so that we can sleep through the night without being awake.

To do this, the most important thing is to turn to a rest specialist to help us select the product that best suits our needs. And it is not a trivial issue and in the long run, bad sleep can lead to serious problems.

Among the benefits of a correct rest, a better memory function stands out , in addition to being more active and feeling with that irrepressible desire to 'eat' the routine.

Having a quality rest has a direct impact on health, on our beauty, on how we face our days and on our attitude when solving, for example, a problem. And hence the importance of your choice.

It is important to point out that different factors intervene in rest that directly influence the quality of our sleep: the main one is the mattress, then there are other external elements such as temperature or the level of light and sound, and finally, the hours and the schedule we have to sleep.


Choosing a mattress is not an easy task and that is why it is so important to be advised by true experts in the field. Memory foam mattresses, latex, springs and foaming … Folding sofa beds, fixed sofa beds, bed bases, upholstered bases, headboards, pillows and bedding. It is a whole world, but only with the union of all these elements can we achieve the physical and mental benefits of a correct rest.

And furthermore, and that is that in bed we not only sleep but watch a movie, read and even work. The correct choice of a mattress is key and fundamental, and hence the importance of these healthy mattresses , which are the key to a benefit of rest and come, practically, to solve our lives.


We are not only talking about mental health, our body will also notice the benefits of a good rest. During sleep hours, processes occur in our body in which the proper functioning of various systems is favored, such as the immune system. Beyond the obvious physical benefits that go hand in hand with good sleep.

Among its benefits we highlight:

  • Adequate rest also favors weight control and protects the heart, since stress-related hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) increase in the blood in situations of insomnia, increasing blood pressure and heart rate.
  • When we sleep, our body relaxes and produces hormones with which we are happier.
  • As our body relaxes and the body's activity decreases, the circulatory system works less because blood pressure has dropped and less effort is needed to pump blood .