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Zucchini and pepper coca

Table of contents:


for the filling
1 zucchini
½ red pepper
2 chives
1 tablespoon capers
Olive oil
1 sprig of thyme
For the mass
370 g of flour
50 ml of olive oil

Both the cocas and the pizzas go perfectly with any type of toppings, even if they are only vegetables. And they like everyone.

Ours, made with zucchini, pepper and chives, works wonders when you want to make the little ones in the house eat more vegetables, or when you are looking for a delicious vegetarian or vegan dish, since it does not contain any ingredients of animal origin.

How to do it step by step

  1. Make the dough. First, put 125 ml of warm water, the oil and ½ teaspoon of salt in a bowl. Then, add 350 g of flour, little by little and without stopping to stir with the help of a wooden spoon. When it begins to take shape, place the mixture on a floured surface and knead it for 5 minutes or so. Then, form a ball, put it in a bowl, cover it with a cloth and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  2. Prepare the toppings. Wash and chop the thyme. Clean the chives and bell pepper. Tip the zucchini and wash it too. Dry the three ingredients to remove excess water and cut the chives into slices, diced bell pepper, and zucchini into half moons.
  3. Roll out the dough and bake. Preheat the oven to 220º. Roll out the dough with the rolling pin until it is about 5mm thick more or less. Arrange it on the plate on a sheet of parchment paper. Cover the dough with the vegetables, season and water with a thread of oil. Finally, sprinkle with the paprika and thyme, and bake for approximately 15 minutes.
  4. Remove and serve. After 15 minutes, remove the coca from the oven, add the rinsed and drained capers on top, and serve in portions.

Express alternative

If you don't want to make your head too hot, you don't even need to make the dough. You can take the dough they sell already made or a pre-cooked pizza base and enrich it with the vegetables that you like the most or that you have in the fridge.