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Jorge javier vázquez suffers a stroke, the second cause of death in spain

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Mediaset has issued an official statement this Wednesday in which it explains that Jorge Javier Vázquez, Telecinco's star presenter, suffered a stroke on March 16 and was successfully operated on.

The also philologist had been unwell for a week. On Saturday he was admitted urgently to a hospital in Madrid. After doing some tests, doctors confirmed on Monday that he had a picture of subarachnoid hemorrhage of aneurysmal origin - a type of stroke or cerebral ischemia - that was treated endovascularly. As explained by the hospital, Jorge Javier Vázquez has not suffered brain sequelae.

The presenter himself has explained almost minute by minute everything he felt in the hours before the stroke in Lecturas. The main main symptom that alerted him was the severe headache, which is precisely one of the most common symptoms of this serious disease.

Detect a stroke early

Also known as cerebrovascular accident, a stroke occurs when blood does not reach the brain due to a blocked artery by a thrombus or a ruptured blood vessel. Symptoms begin to appear about 10 seconds after the blood supply to the brain is disturbed.

It is the second cause of death in Spain

There are three main symptoms that you should know to identify if you or someone else is having a stroke:

  1. Are you able to smile? Loss of sensation on one of the two sides of the face is one of the most frequent symptoms.
  2. Can you repeat a phrase? If it is difficult to articulate the words or what is said does not make sense or is not understood, it is likely that we are facing a stroke.
  3. Are you able to raise your arms? If trying to raise your arms is impossible or one of the two falls collapsed, it is a clear symptom of a possible stroke.

He doesn't go to the hospital, they take you

It is very important that when the first symptoms are noticed, such as paralysis on one side of the face, weakness in one part of the body or speech problems, 112 is called without delay and the symptoms are described. In this way, the 'Stroke Code' will be activated and a health team will transfer the patient to a specialized stroke unit in record time, which is key to survival. This procedure is much more effective than going to the emergency room on our own feet.