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A Christmas date after work? your joker will be a black suit


It's Christmas and we have a full schedule. The holidays come hand in hand with a significant increase in social life, and it is that beyond key dates such as Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve we celebrate business lunches and dinners, meetings with friends … And, of course, all this we have to adapt to our normal routine and our closet … We find it difficult to get to everything and the stress begins. But stop! These days are to be enjoyed and there are solutions for everything.

For all this we have appreciated SO MUCH the idea that Teresa Bass has given us on her Instagram. The influencer has reminded us that a black dress suit and a nice top can be our salvation for those days when you have a Christmas date after work and stopping by is fatal.

"For day meetings, events, meals … With sneakers, and for the night with heels. A suit always works" , Teresa Bass has written next to a carousel of images in which she proposes two ways to wear a suit black, with different footwear, and we love both results.

Photos: @teresa_bass

In this case, accessories have been the key to creating two completely different and correct looks to fulfill their functions. With white sneakers it is a stylish outfit as well as casual, ideal for going to the office because it brings strength and personality without losing elegance. For the night with high-heeled sandals it is simply enigmatic . Black is still unbeatable in the most arranged outfits and when our image needs a plus of sophistication.