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Weekly horoscope: January 9-15

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Aries March 21 - April 19

Do you friction with your partner? Plans frustrated with the person who drives you crazy? Something is wobbling in the sentimental field and it is not giving the results that you expected. The stars have it very clear: the time has come for Aries to have a change of attitude or even airs … and start from scratch.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

You will receive a very exciting and tempting offer in the professional field, but it will not completely convince you and you will take it quite coldly. The trick to dealing with this situation is for Taurus to take the necessary time to be clear about what exactly he wants, and to act honestly.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Even if you have just had a disappointment in the field of personal relationships, whether they are loving or friendly, do not despair. What you have to do, Gemini , is take the opportunity to clarify the things that will be presented to you sooner or later. And analyze the bad rolls with distance and perspective.

Cancer June 21 - July 22

You have finally managed to stay calm and wait and it will not take long for you to reap the fruits. Cancer opens up new possibilities for growth and development, on a mental and creative level, which if you face them with passion, can make you feel deeply fulfilled.

Leo July 23 - August 22

You have been working conscientiously on your long-term career plans for a long time, and soon you will have to make a decision that will affect your future. The key for Leo in this period is to enhance his creativity and open up to the possibilities that life offers him.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Your efforts have been worth it and, finally, they value you in your work as you really deserve. Although Virgo will run into an obstacle or two yet, you need to be cool, focus on long-term plans, and keep an eye out for an offer that might be made shortly.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Finally those issues that did not let you sleep in the economic field are unraveled. You will still have to wait a bit for them to be fully resolved, but they are already in the process of being solved. So Libra can now prepare for a well-deserved period of fullness and abundance.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

You are very cold on a sentimental level, both in the field of the couple and in that of the family and friends, and nothing has quite convinced you. The secret for Scorpio to free itself from this strangulation is to prepare to overcome obstacles and have the initiative when it comes to approaching positions.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

One of lime and another of sand. Lately, where you really feel fulfilled is in the field of hobbies and activities that you do in your free time, and not so much at work. Something that makes Sagittarius a bit of sleep. The solution? Patience at work. And continue investing in those other aspects that one day may become the center of your activity.

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

Lately you are so aware of what you lack that, sometimes, you forget what you already have. And even if you're not in your prime, that doesn't mean things are going badly for you. What is up to Capricorn now is to be patient, because things will not work out as quickly as expected. And don't relapse into old bad habits.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

You have some sentimental doubts and that has you quite confused and blocked. If you want to move on with that story, you have to put all your love and passion into it. And if not, leave without fear and look alone for the light that illuminates you. The decision is in your hands. Aquarius has to listen to his heart.

Pisces February 20 - March 20

You have started the year on the right foot and with a lot of long-term perspective. What will help you to wait patiently for the propitious moment that you have waited for so long to carry out an issue concerning your health or well-being. The key for Pisces is to put all your passion and determination into it.