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Carl honoré: "when we get older we care less what other people think"

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Have you taken the age out of Facebook? When you see a woman in a short skirt, have you thought "but where is she going, if she's very old?" Or did you say the phrase: "when she was young she must have been very pretty" ? They are examples of ageism. And what is that of ageism? It is a little-known form of discrimination, recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization), which consists of discriminating against people on the basis of age. We are very used to machismo or racism, but ageism is also a problem that affects us all in one way or another. In fact, about 30% of people over 45 years of age in our country claim to have suffered discrimination because of their age, according to the National Institute of Statistics.

Ageism has many manifestations, from small things like the ones we have said before to some much more serious … Who does not know someone who has been fired from his job with more than 40 and has had many problems finding a new job ?

Carl Honoré talks about all this and the fear of getting old in his new book In Praise of Experience. How to take advantage of our longest lives (RBA Books). Getting older is not well seen, neither by society nor by ourselves. But the time has come to banish absurd beliefs and start enjoying each life stage with the same enthusiasm as if we were 20 years old. Will you join us?

Question: Why is aging terrifying?

Answer: Leaving aside the fear of death, it is true that some things begin to work worse, especially on a physical level and that causes us anguish. Additionally, there is a cultural superstructure that fuels the concept that aging is a downhill process. The younger the better, it's a vicious cycle. The media play a very important role, because of the language and images they use. They are an ageist machine that makes the idea of ​​growing old generate a backpack of negative emotions. Ageism is so strong that we feel bad about getting old. If you Google "I'm lying about …" the first thing it suggests is "age."

Q: Why are we ageists?

A: We are trapped in the culture of ageism. The story that aging is decrepitude, dementia, depression, death, decline, or deterioration is not the only truth. It's the same thing that has happened with sexism - and there is still a long way to go. It is a process that must be learned to question, it will not be a change overnight. It is hard for us to be different.

Q: Is ageism sexist?

A: Women suffer much more ageism due to physical appearance, it is very unfair. Also in sexual and affective relationships. It is frowned upon for a woman over 50 to sign up for Tinder. However, it looks good for an older man to be with a young woman.

Q: What is the role of women's magazines in ageism?

A: The language used by the media greatly influences how we feel about our image and how we experience our birthday. Words that denigrate aging reinforce the problem. How can something be antiaging? We all get old! It is not something that happens only to older people. The alternative is to be dead! All stages have negative and positive stages. We have to broaden the definition of what beauty means. And she's not just a slim, fat-free 18-year-old.

Q: What do we do to avoid longing for youth?

A: The first step is to mix generations. Thus, a more positive vision of aging is achieved and ageism, especially in young people, decreases. You always have to look for new things to do. Exposing yourself to new situations convinces you that life does not end, it is an open road. And it depends only on you. It's a mental chip change.

Q: Why is aging cool?

A: We gain confidence in ourselves. We feel more comfortable in the world and we care less what others think and say. In Spain, the demographic group that is happiest and most satisfied is those over 50. This stereotype that turning years leads to sadness is a lie, it is a myth.