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Hidden calories in food

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Everything that glitters is not light

All that glitters is not light

Be careful with light products. It does not mean that they are low-energy foods, but that they contain 30% fewer calories than in their original version.

Foods "low in fat"

"Low-fat" foods

Per 100g, they should be less than 3g for solids and less than 1.5g for liquids. If it indicates that it is fat-free, it should not be more than 1.5 g in solids and no more than 0.75 g in liquids. Despite this, they are higher in sugar or salt than in their original version to compensate for the loss of flavor due to the reduction in fat.

And the "without sugar"

And the "without sugar"

Just because a food has no sugar does not mean that it does not provide calories. These should be less than 5 mg. To recognize how it appears on the label, look at words such as syrup, molasses, fruit concentrate, fructose, sucrose or additives such as E-955, among others. If it has fructose instead of sugar, it could contain the same calories or even more.

No salt … sure?

No salt … sure?

On the label of low sodium products, it should indicate less than 0.12 g, that is, less than 0.25 g of salt per 100 g. And if the label indicates that it has more than 0.55 g of sodium (or more than 1.25 g of salt) then it is very salty.

Not all salads are the same

Not all salads are the same

You tell yourself that you are going to eat only one salad to lose weight, but which one? Here we tell you the differences that exist between the most common types of salad. You'll be surprised!

Do you eat a lot of preserves?

Do you eat a lot of preserves?

These preserves are usually made from fatty fish (tuna, bonito, sardines) and are made with another fat (olive or vegetable oil). Therefore, their energy intake is high due to the amount of fat they contain. However, if you do not abuse, they also have benefits, since adding oils increase omega 3 fats and vitamin B3.

White bread

White bread

White bread, like pasta, pastries or industrial pastries, is usually made with white flour, which, when refined, loses a series of layers where the fiber of the cereals is. Always choose the full version.

Bars … light snacks?

Bars … light snacks?

Cereal bars look like light snacks, but in reality most are made with refined flours and a lot of sugar, so they are very caloric. These are included in the 5 "healthy" foods that you should stop having for your breakfast.

Dairy, whole or skimmed?

Dairy, whole or skim?

The best option is the semi version. If we only look at the calories, skim milk would win by a landslide (72 kcal compared to 136 for whole milk). However, studies show that the fat in dairy can be beneficial for the heart, so low-fat may be a good choice.

Is milk good or bad?

Tea or coffee-based drinks

Tea or coffee-based drinks

Tea or coffee are low in calories, but packaged tea and coffee beverages are often high in sugars and therefore high in calories.

Discover the calories in each coffee and choose the one that suits you best.

Juices, always natural

Juices, always natural

Always opt for the homemade version, you will save calories and added sugars.

Where else is fat hidden?

Where else is fat hidden?

We are aware of the skin or the fat of the chicken (or that of the meat and ham) since it is visible and we can easily remove it before cooking. However, in packaged products we are not so aware of it. In fact, this is estimated to be 60% of the fat we consume. This "hidden" fat is in pastries, precooked items, etc.

Do not stay with the name of what you eat: salad, light, low-fat … because behind these words that make us think about a light diet, there may be more calories than you imagine. We tell you more …

  • Light products. It does not mean that they are low-energy foods, but that they contain 30% fewer calories than in their original version.
  • Low in fat Per 100g, they should be less than 3g for solids and less than 1.5g for liquids. If it indicates that it is fat free, it should not be more than 1.5 g in solids and no more than 0.75 g in liquids. Despite this, they are higher in sugar or salt than in their original version to compensate for the loss of flavor due to the reduction in fat. They are not suitable for health or figure.
  • "Sugar-free" foods. Just because a food has no sugar does not mean that it does not provide calories. These should be less than 5 mg. To recognize how it appears on the label, look at words such as syrup, molasses, fruit concentrate, fructose, sucrose or additives such as E-955, among others. For example, if it has fructose instead of sugar, it could contain the same calories or even more.
  • Without salt. The label for low sodium products should indicate less than 0.12 g, that is, less than 0.25 g of salt per 100 g. And if the label indicates that it has more than 0.55 g of sodium (or more than 1.25 g of salt) then it is very salty.

Not all salads are the same

You tell yourself that you are going to eat only one salad to lose weight, but which one? A green has only 181 calories, but a Russian could reach 569 calories. The difference is expensive. A salad can be a light option or have even more calories than a double cheeseburger, depending on the ingredients and the dressing you put on it. Be careful with the dressing because if you overdo it you will be taking a caloric bomb disguised as lettuce. Each tablespoon of oil –be it olive, sunflower, corn …– is 90 kcal. Better to measure the quantity before dressing.

Do you eat a lot of preserves?

These preserves are usually made from fatty fish (tuna, bonito, sardines) and are made with another fat (olive or vegetable oil). Therefore, their energy intake is high due to the amount of fat they contain. However, if you do not abuse, they also have benefits, since adding oils increase omega 3 fats and vitamin B3. You can take the preserves natural (in water and salt), with tomato or pickled. Anyway, check the labels.

White bread

White bread, like pasta, pastries or industrial pastries, is usually made with white flour, which, when refined, loses a series of layers where the fiber of the cereals is. Therefore, these foods provide us with calories that the body easily converts into fat. If consumed regularly and in large quantities, they can lead to insulin resistance, the precursor to diabetes.

Bars… light snacks?

Cereal bars look like light snacks, but in reality most are made with refined flours and a lot of sugar, so they are very caloric.

Dairy, whole or skim?

The best option is the semi version. If we only look at the calories, skim milk would win by a landslide (72 kcal compared to 136 for whole milk). However, studies show that the fat in dairy can be beneficial for the heart, so low-fat may be a good choice. The same as taking one of the yogurts that you consume a whole day and the rest skimmed.

Tea or coffee-based drinks

Tea or coffee are low in calories, but packaged tea and coffee beverages are often high in sugars and therefore high in calories. The same goes for juices with added sugar. Always opt for the homemade version.

What other foods does fat hide in?

We are aware of the skin or the fat of the chicken (or that of the meat and ham), since it is visible and we can easily remove it before cooking. However, in packaged products we are not so aware of it. In fact, this is estimated to be 60% of the fat we consume. This “hidden” fat is found in pastries, precooked items, etc.