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How do you stay if we tell you that the secret to being happy is at home?

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How many times have we heard that "if you take care of yourself on the inside, you notice it on the outside"? Many for sure. But we often forget to take care of the interior where we take refuge and recharge our batteries: our home. We love to give ourselves massages, beautiful shoes and gastronomic whims (which is also very good, of course it is) but it is hard for us to change that chair or that mattress that has been destroying our backs for a thousand years … Why?

Mysteries of life … We like to be at home but rarely do we give it all the care and pampering it deserves. At the end of the day we spend many hours indoors so imagine what a happy, beautiful (according to your style) and cozy house can do for you.

A well-cared-for house makes your life much easier

Surely after reading this you are wondering, shouldn't I take more care of the place where I live and spend so much time? The answer is "yes", since the state of our house influences our quality of life. This is what emerges from the Study on the attitudes of the Spanish population towards home decoration carried out by IKERFEL.

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93% of the people surveyed affirm that having an orderly house helps you save time, improves your mood and contributes to a more organized life. More than 70% think that a well-decorated house makes you feel more comfortable, stimulates your creativity and makes your life sooo much easier.

Turn your home into a comfortable, cozy and happy place

The secret is to plan the decoration of your home with elements that you not only like, but are also comfortable and bring you well-being and happiness, as proposed by IKEA.

  • Bet on comfort. Make your living room, dining room or bedroom a place where it doesn't cost you to spend hours and hours. A modern sofa, but comfortable and for life, comfortable chairs or a suitable mattress are essential for you to feel good at home.
  • Sign up for the plugins. Decorative objects, cushions, textiles, paintings, and photo frames will be your allies to create the space of your dreams and give it a new look without having to give up your main furniture. Ikea for example has many options so that you can decorate your rooms according to your style. Our favorite proposal? A beautiful print with a super positive message or an original bowl or vase.
  • Take advantage of available light. With curtains, blinds, lamps and even mirrors you can make the most of the light, and nuance it when you want more intimate and welcoming environments.
  • Play with the possibilities of colors. One of the tricks so that an environment is harmonious and does not weigh you down is to bet on a base of neutral colors on walls, floors and main pieces of furniture, and reserve the loudest and most striking colors for accessories, textiles, tableware, or furniture specials.
  • Add well-being with small details. Plants and flowers, garlands of lights, and candles and aromatic elements can make spaces more alive and pleasant.
  • And plan the space to share it. Decorate and organize the spaces thinking about visits or meetings of family and friends with folding or stackable chairs, extendable tables, sofa beds, mattress cushions … Living is sharing moments with the people we love.

And if at this point you want to make changes in your home and make it happier and more welcoming, get inspired by the most beautiful proposals of the Swedish brand. Imagination and happiness have no limits!